2022 Elections: LACNIC Board of Directors


The LACNIC Board recommends refraining from mass messaging contacts obtained from LACNIC's database for election campaign purposes. Likewise, the LACNIC Board reminds everyone that the purpose of the LACNIC mailing lists is to discuss specific topics and that they should therefore not be used to campaign during elections.

Positions, Duties and Activities

A call for candidates to fill two positions on the LACNIC Board is now open.

The Board is comprised of seven members who each serve a three-year term in a voluntary (unpaid) capacity. Candidates to the Board must comply with the provisions of the LACNIC Board Member Commitment, which they must sign before starting their term.

Among other relevant duties, members of the Board are responsible for executive decisions relating to the ratification of policy proposals, for convening member assemblies, for overseeing the management and monitoring of LACNIC's financial reports, for following up on the organization’s Strategic Plan, and for defining regulations and internal procedures for their work. For further details, refer to Article 26 of the LACNIC Bylaws.

To learn more about the powers and responsibilities of the LACNIC Board and their most frequent activities, we invite you to watch the following video:

Structure, Operation and Characteristics of the Board

For an in-depth understanding of the various skills required on the Board, the tasks that Board members perform over the course of the year, and their availability for on-site participation (travel managed by LACNIC), we invite you to watch the presentation given by Alejandro Guzmán, Chairman of the LACNIC Board, before the Annual Member Assembly held during the LACNIC 37 meeting (Cali, Colombia):


Candidates must be citizens of the countries or territories that are part of LACNIC's service region.

Not more than two members with the same citizenship may be elected (*).

Only one member may have employment or consulting relationships with the same company or organization.

Candidates may or not be part of the organization submitting the nomination (self-nominations are allowed).

(*) Given that the Bylaws do not allow more than two Board members who are citizens of the same country, Argentinian citizens may not participate in these elections.

The incompatibilities that apply to members of this commission are detailed in this document:


Nominations are verified by the Electoral Commission based on the following regulations:

Regulations Regarding Incompatibilities, Capacities and Suitability

Who can submit a nomination

A LACNIC member: Internet Providers (ISP), End Users or Founding Member.

Nominations must be submitted by the designated representative included in LACNIC's database (Nic Brasil – Nic Mexico): the organization's membership contact.

The organization submitting the nomination must be current with their membership fees.

Each organization may only nominate one candidate per vacancy.

Application Form

Nomination period closes*: 7 September at 18:00 UTC

For more information: membresia@lacnic.net