Applied Research

Collaboration opportunities in applied research seek to promote the development of technological capabilities and applied research for a stable, open and secure Internet at a regional level.

To this end, alliances are generated with groups and/or research centers in academic institutions at the regional level that allow collaboration in research, the development of knowledge and the dissemination of research and work focused on the defined lines and topics of interest.


Specific objectives

  • Promote the development of applied research work that has preliminary results, potential impact and practical application, aligned with the priority lines and axes of interest of LACNIC.
  • Promote the development and exchange of knowledge, transfer and dissemination of technical content aligned with the defined priority lines and topics.
  • Participate in studies, research and academic publications.
  • Consolidate networks and collaborative actions with researchers, centers, groups, laboratories and academic institutions.


Research lines and topics

The priority lines and topics of research seek to promote the development of knowledge, methodologies, tools, techniques -among others-, and/or generate original results that promote the development of a stable and open Internet in the region, associated with the mission from LACNIC.

There is particular interest in promoting and developing research, work, case studies, adoption of best practices - among others - that have a specific application, involve solutions to current problems and/or generate innovation in one of the detailed axes.


Network Architecture and Operation

Monitoring, measurement, management, optimization, automation and/or innovation in network architecture and operation related to one or more of the following priority topics:

  • BGP
  • DNS
  • Protocols
  • Performance

Traffic Engineering and Interconnection

Monitoring, measurement, management, control, modeling, optimization and/or innovation in one or more of the priority topics and related to the specific areas below:

  • IXPs
  • CDNs
  • BGP
  • QoS

Cryptography, Security and Resilience

Contribution to Internet security and resilience, the prevention of, and response to, attacks, incidents and anomalies in Internet infrastructure, and the generation of innovative approaches and solutions with a special emphasis on the priority issues detailed below:

  • DNS (approaches such as DNSSEC or others)
  • Routing Security
  • RPKI and/or Extensions
  • Route Origin Validation
  • IoT
  • DDoS
  • Malware

Future Development of the Internet

This line of work and research seeks to contribute to the future development of the Internet in the LAC region. Its approach is broad and places special emphasis on addressing the regional challenges posed by the priority topics detailed below:

  • IPv6
  • High performance computing
  • Use of Blockchain and its applications
  • Other innovative topics related to the line of work and research


Academic institutions and research topics

Since 2022, we have been collaborating with academic institutions in the region through specific agreements in different research.


Themes, research leaders and resources

Below you will be able to access more information about the topics of the research projects, the leaders and the institutions.


Current collaborations 


Institution: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) 

Leader and main researcher: PhD Pedro de Botelho Marcos 

Research resources: 

  • Towards better interconnection and Internet routing decisions to improve wide area traffic delivery
  • Remote peering


Institution: Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey 

Leader and main researcher: PhD Jesús Arturo Pérez Díaz 

Research resources: 

  • Identification and Mitigation of DDoS attacks in Software Defined Networks in the area of data using P4
  • Identification and Mitigation of DDoS attacks in Software Defined Networks for IoT
  • Identification of BGP Anomalies


Institution: Universidad de Montevideo 

Leader and main researcher: PhD Cristina Mayr

Research resources: 

  • Abbreviated ways to interpret and process BGP update information
  • Maximize the effectiveness of a partial RPKI deployment to provide Internet security
  • Optimization and security in routing in autonomous Internet systems


Previous collaborations


Institution: Universidad de Palermo 

Leader and main researcher: PhD Alejandro Popovsky 

Research and resources: 

  • Palermo congestion control, applications to different types of service and infrastructure, benchmarking vs other advanced applications

Institution: Universidad de los Andes (UNIANDES) 

Leaders and main researchers: PhD Yezid Enrique Donoso Meisel, PhD Carlos Andrés Lozano

Research and resources:

  • IoT TEA related to network architecture for supporting the new QoS and Cybersecurity requirements in IoT

