2022 Co-chair of the Policy Development Process Elections

Official Results

LACNIC's Electoral Commission announces that Sergio Rojas has been elected co-chair of the Policy Development Process. Sergio will serve a two-year term beginning immediately after the next Public Policy Forum, during which the elected chair will be ratified (PDP section 3.2.3).

If a winner is not ratified, the LACNIC Board will appoint a chair to fill the vacant position until the next Public Policy Forum. At the next opportunity that an election and ratification can be held, the elected will serve only the remaining term.

We welcome Sergio and thank Marcela and Hernán who also participated in the election. Their participation was essential for this process.

LACNIC's Electoral Commission

Provisional results published subject to observations

These interim results will be subject to audit by the Electoral Commission and potential claims received from 28 to 29 March 2022 (18:00 UTC)

Deadline for deciding any claims received regarding the online voting process: 30 March to 1 April (at 18:00 UTC)

This initiative seeks to avoid the disclosure of unofficial results through channels external to LACNIC during the audit period.


In accordance with the provisions of the PDP and the calendar for this election process, online voting took place from 15 to 22 March 2022 to elect a co-chair for the Policy Development Process.

The voting period has concluded. Subject to audit by the Electoral Commission, the winning candidates is:

Sergio Rojas (Paraguay).

Candidatos Votos recibidos
Sergio Rojas 65
Marcela Orbiscay 50
Hernán Moguilevsky 28
  1. Number of authorized voters: 1961

  2. Number of persons who voted: 143

  3. Percentage: 7,29%

If you have any questions for the commission, please address them to info-politicas@lacnic.net