Inclusion and Impact on Human Rights
Projects selected in 2023
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Lately, information and communication technologies (ICTs) and internet access have been rapidly evolving, transforming the society in a way similar to the transformation caused by the Industrial Revolution. However, this technological progress has not been evenly distributed, creating digital gaps affecting several regions and social groups. In particular, Bolivian indigenous youth have stood out for their active engagement and participation in the digital sphere, seeking to adopt technology and establish their digital identity in line with their experience with technology. In this sense, this report delves into the process of technology appropriation by Bolivian indigenous youth. It uses the Rational Model of Technology Appropriation to explore the stages of access, learning, integration and transformation of technology in their life. It also identifies the digital gaps they face, including access, skills and outcomes gaps. This study includes a qualitative approach that deals with the experiences of Bolivian indigenous youth in highlands and lowlands, and it intends to show how their interaction with technology impacts their identity, ambitions and opportunities. |
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“Comunidatos” is established in the indigenous communities of Oaxaca, Mexico, a region known for its cultural diversity and indigenous presence. These communities have deep historical roots and have protected their traditions, tongues and unique cultural practices against external forces. However, they currently face challenges posed by the digital age and data mining, threatening their autonomy and privacy. Even though their collective rights are legally recognized, their effective exercise is a challenge. This podcast explores how data mining impacts their everyday life and whether their participation in cyberspace can erode their cultural identity. It aims at understanding how to balance digital connectivity with the preservation of their ancient traditions. Key topics include community data governance to protect sensitive information about land, rituals and intellectual property. Strategies will be devised so that communities can actively participate in the decisions about their data, instead of being passive subjects of extraction. Preventing the digital gap from becoming a new form of marginalization is a big challenge. Risks include losing their autonomy and covert extractivism in tech endeavors. |
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One of the issues faced by indigenous communities in the digital age is disinformation and the lack of literacy processes to verify online information from a differential approach based on the Wayuu indigenous communities’ perspective so that they can protect their culture, prevent cultural appropriation, combat disinformation and make informed decisions. A practical and theoretical workshop was conducted in the city of Riohacha to deal with disinformation and fact-checking. This provided participants with basic tools, both practical and theoretical, to verify facts online. Verifying information is key for these communities. Working with educators allowed us to share our knowledge, and they will now be able to pass on said knowledge to their students and other members of their communities. With the support of local managers and knowledge creation dynamics, represented by Wikipeetia (the Wayuu Wikipedia) in the Wayuunaiki language, we managed to create interaction between these indigenous digital scenarios. |
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This research seeks to address the discussions about communication and connectivity inequalities in our continent while looking at transformative action taken by collectives and organizations that make efforts to connect various territories. This paper intends to explore the processes being developed, which we have been studying for a few years through research and extension projects, in order to change and challenge the logic and public policy conditioned by the telecommunications market by comparing them to others that take connectivity as a fundamental right and service. This allows individuals to exercise their citizens’ rights (Mata, 2006), which are increasingly anchored in the digital world. The current landscape hinders access to connectivity and, thus, communication, mainly in areas that are still unconnected due to technological and/or economic reasons. We aim to raise awareness about initiatives that address this reality and try to change it from a Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology. To accomplish this, we have conducted interviews and identified key organizations. We have also created a podcast series and audio interviews that are attached to this document. |
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This paper has confirmed the power of data and information to close gaps and promote economic and socio-cultural development in populations around the world. However, the sophistication of the internet and new technologies has widened the gap between marginalized and privileged people. In this case, the Wayuu community has experienced a slow growth as well as a slow process of media and digital literacy, which in the long term creates information gaps and lack of skills in comparison to those who are better connected. In addition, this gap can also be seen in the vulnerability of the Wayuu community to cybercrime, phishing and identity theft. Link to YouTube material containing the concluding thoughts provided by participants: |
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The goal of this study is to analyze Internet access in the Guajanaíra community, located in the Guajajara Territory, in the southeast of the State of Pará. The study includes an assessment of connectivity and available services, with a focus on identifying the main barriers and challenges that this community faces in its search for digital inclusion. Additionally, it seeks to explore the role of this network in promoting autonomy and local development, as well as how the Internet is used as a tool for empowerment and cultural preservation. The research seeks to understand how connectivity can positively impact this community, expanding opportunities and improving the quality of life of its residents. |
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This research document is an approximation into the intricate dynamics of digital inclusion efforts in Mexico, focusing on collaborative initiatives involving Altán Redes (AR), Civil Society Organizations like Indigenous Community Telecommunications (Telecomunicaciones Indígenas Comunitarias, TIC AC), and Wiki Katat, the first Social and Community Mobile Virtual Network Operator (SC-MVNO) in the country. Overcoming challenges such as building trust among users in Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) in Mexico, navigating the integration to the complexities of wholesale mobile network operators, and addressing mobile phone incompatibility with the 700 MHz frequency band, these initiatives represent a paradigm shift in telecommunications models, prioritising community-based approach dynamics over profit-centric motives. The evolving digital landscape underscores a shift towards inclusive, community-centric models, exemplified by collaborations empowering local communities and challenging traditional narratives of large companies. Strategic litigation has played a pivotal role in recognising indigenous rights, marking a turning point in empowering indigenous communities, and contributing to a multistakeholder approach to bridge the digital divide in Mexico. |
Projects selected in 2022
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This report presents the results of the study titled ?Impacts of Distance Education on Students in the Interior of Pernambuco and the State Capital: A Comparative Study.? A questionnaire was applied to 32 students of secondary education (ensino médio) and higher education (ensino superior) attending public and private institutions in two cities of the state of Pernambuco: Afogados da Ingazeira (a city in the sertão region of Pernambuco) and Recife (the state capital). In addition to personal data, the questionnaire included questions to understand the context of the students during the period of distance education. It was found that all but one participants believe that distance education had an impact on their lives. Of the 9 participants in Afogados da Ingazeira, 7 reported suffering negative impacts, 1 mentioned positive impacts, and 1 replied that they had felt both positive and negative impacts. Of the 23 students in Recife, 13 reported suffering negative impacts, 5 reported positive impacts, 2 reported both positive and negative impacts, 2 did not answer the question, and 1 said they had not felt any impact. Overall, students felt more negative impacts in both cities. The impacts mentioned by the students include learning difficulties, Internet quality, etc. It is hoped that the results of this investigation will help professionals, organizations, and institutions to gain a better understanding of distance education and seek ways to prevent many of these problems from recurring. |
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In the digital era, having digital literacy requires not only the ability to use software or to operate a digital device but also a large variety of complex skills such as cognitive, motoric, sociological, and emotional skills that users need to master in order to use digital environments effectively. Unfortunately, the research on digital literacy lacks a well-established theoretical framework. Given the growing importance of digital literacy and its challenges in daily life. This research aims to understand and Provide an overview of the impact of digital literacy among rural grassroots youth- leaders, build a digital profile of rural organizations, Outline the different types of digital services and products used and determine how satisfied rural grassroots youth- leaders are in the digital space. We are taking a hands-on and proximity approach to guarantee the success of the research in 2 phases. 1. Carry out a survey of 50 rural organizations in northern Haiti to be able to document the impact and constraints they face day to day in digital skills. 2- Train 2 organization representative youth leaders on digital skills while creating an environment and conditions conducive to their development. |
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This research is an attempt to explain the relationship between the indigenous communities in the north of Salta with Internet connectivity and ICTs, by describing the several aspects that make up Internet access in the region. We have taken UNESCO's ROAM Internet universality indicators as reference. In this document, ?accessibility? includes coverage, connectivity, quality, affordability, content in local languages and equipment. This study is also complemented by an overview of public policy adopted by the government to ensure universal access in the territory of Chaco Salteño. Another relevant aspect in this study is the visibilization of the ways indigenous peoples make demands and express their position in relation to the Internet and the experiences of communities in the area of study to overcome digital inequalities and promote access to economic, social and cultural rights. |
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As the process of digitalization of social relations advances, it increasingly stresses the importance of guaranteeing free access to the Internet and to the resources, opportunities, functions, and services it provides. Free Internet access should be considered not only as an indispensable mechanism for the free development of human potential, but also for the promotion and exercise of the human rights recognized by the mechanisms of international law. However, free access to the Internet can be easily affected and limited by a multitude of technical and social mechanisms, including the limitation of connectivity in more remote areas, or the actions of groups that establish mechanisms to control what the communities they dominate or control may or may not use/access on the Internet. Using a proof-of-concept approach and a case study rationale, this research utilized qualitative instruments (semi-structured questionnaires) to assess the potential existence and resulting effects of the actions of criminal groups operating in the Edson Queiroz neighborhood in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, on Internet access for members of the local community. |
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New technologies have made it easier to access rights, but their absence may be widening the gap for people who were already in vulnerable situations before their emergence. As technologies spread, new and interesting questions come up on the intersection between the interaction with the digital environment, human rights, public policy and the rights of persons with disabilities. In Peru, there is not enough information about how deaf people relate with technology and, specifically, how they exercise their digital citizenship. With the adaptation of the theoretical models of the digital divide and digital citizenship, this study develops a new digital citizenship scale with a focus on disabilities that allows deaf people to explain their interaction with the Internet and technologies. In this study, we identify the obligations of the Peruvian State in this matter and explore the uses and benefits gained by deaf people thanks to the Internet. In addition, we delve into the current gaps in order to accurately evaluate the issue. |
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The city of Recife, capital of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, is a leading national technology center, and Porto Digital and the Computer Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco are among its highlights. Based on this scenario, the study sought to investigate the narratives used by the Municipal Government to justify public technology policies and whether such projects created risks for the development of a healthy digital ecosystem for local citizens. To do so, the 2021-2024 Strategic Plan was selected, along with the Conecta Recife, EITA LABS, Embarque Digital, GO Recife, and Recife Parcerias programs. By reviewing the documents available on official and non-official portals, together with quantitative data from the 2021 TIC Domicílios survey provided by, we conducted a sociological discourse analysis of these narratives as well as a risk assessment, using the requirements of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and debates in the literature on Internet governance as parameters. |
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This project aimed to analyze the role of Internet Community Networks in the reduction and/or mitigation of digital inequalities. The research hypothesis of the study posits that the implementation of Internet Community Networks leads to a process of mitigation of digital inequalities, as the development of such networks represents a process of digital inclusion understood as the appropriation of technologies (MORI, 2011) by members of their communities. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with members of the various sectors that comprise the Internet ecosystem, which will be published in podcast format. |
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The purpose of this work is to explain the relation between girls and teenage girls and feminist content in social networks, and to identify the possibilities and limitations of politicization and self-construction, considering the hypothesis that constant polarization of the (cyber)feminist movement in social networks hinders girls and teenage girls from becoming a part of it. We have used mixed methodologies, namely: 1) a quantitative questionnaire to collect information on the digital practices and tools used by girls and teenage girls aged 9 to 17; 2) a focus group of teenage girls aged between 15 and 17 to explore the experiences and perceptions of teenagers that interact with feminist content on social networks. |
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Freedom of expression is deteriorating in Venezuela. Traditional media such as the print media, radio and television have decreased in number. This is why social networks have taken a prominent role in the country. Therefore, social networks have also been restricted in many different ways, including regulatory, technical and law-enforcement measures. This research assesses the various traditional media (mainly print media and radio) that have been censored or shut down from 2015 to 2022. Then, it focuses on a detailed inventory of arrests, kidnappings and dismissals many users have suffered as a consequence of disseminating information or expressing their opinion through social networks. Additionally, it includes the result of a focus where the study focuses on exploring the general perception a particular segment of Venezuelans have about social networks and the risks of using them in the country. The study concludes that a censorship policy has been implemented progressively and that the risks of it becoming worse are still latent. This depends on the international political environment surrounding the Venezuelan government. |
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Las redes sociales son la forma de comunicación esencial para las personas LGBTQIAP+. Personas que comienzan a explorar sus identidades y maneras de ser en comunidad. Es decir, ayudan a crear un espacio de agencia donde se pueden exhibir dichas identidades. En los últimos años, la implementación de herramientas para moderar el contenido han creando mayor marginación y exclusión de sus derechos como comunidad y seres humanos. Por eso debemos preocuparnos y abordarlos en una discusión para mejorar las prácticas de estas plataformas. A medida que nuestros mundos sociales cambian cada vez más en línea, muchas de las tecnologías con las que se encuentran las personas están mediadas por algoritmos. Los algoritmos se han integrado profundamente en la vida en línea de las personas, a menudo trabajando para adaptar y personalizar sus encuentros de rutina con el mundo. ¿Cómo se hace propia, o se forma la identidad en un sistema algorítmico? Uno de los objetivos a medida que las personas adoptan nuevas tecnologías es entretejerlas en sus rutinas diarias, estableciendo un patrón de uso para hacer suya esa tecnología. En este documento, nos enfocamos en las experiencias de las personas en la aplicación para compartir videos de formato corto, TikTok. |
Projects selected in 2021
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"This research evaluated educational technology integration among prime and mature lecturers at Dominica State College aimed at identifying educational technology factors and its impact.
All participants of this study were lecturers at DSC. Two sets of questionnaires were administered through Google forms to lectures; one specifically to lecturers deemed to be over 40 years old and the other to a wider set of lecturers, including those over 40 years old. Participation was not mandatory, so not all lecturers responded to the survey." |
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La región de América Latina y el Caribe está transitando a convertirse en una región con población mayormente envejecida. Pero? ¿qué implica esto para las poblaciones en general? En aproximadamente 30 años, la región tendrá al 25% de su población con más de 60 años. En Bolivia, se prevé que para el año 2050, 1 de cada 5 personas tendrá más de seis décadas. Históricamente, Bolivia tuvo una brecha en el acceso a la educación y, por ende, en los ingresos económicos. Gran porcentaje de la población que hasta el 2020 se registró como adulta mayor no ha tenido acceso a educación secundaria o terciaria, afectando directamente en su acceso a tecnologías de la información, así como el desarrollo laboral y social relacionados a las mismas. Si en la actualidad se mantienen brechas económicas, de género y socioculturales y, éstas son incrementadas aún más por la brecha digital: ¿Cómo vivirán los adultos mayores dentro de 30 años, si hoy no han tenido acceso a Internet? En este estudio se presenta un análisis de esta situación, a la vez de establecer alternativas y propuestas que pueden cambiar la calidad de vida de las personas en el presente y en el futuro. |
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La xenofobia y el discurso de odio en redes sociales son un problema y afectan a los migrantes en América Latina en el contexto de la pandemia por Covid-19, creando estereotipos y discriminación. Por eso, para describir cómo son los mensajes xenofóbicos y discursos de odio contra los migrantes latinoamericanos en redes sociales, se trazan los siguientes propósitos: de?nir los conceptos de xenofobia y discursos de odio en redes sociales y caracterizar contenidos de xenofobia y discursos de odio contra migrantes latinoamericanos. Esta investigación cuantitativa hace un trabajo de campo en la red social Twitter desde octubre hasta diciembre de 2020. Mediante un análisis de contenido de 137 mensajes, se obtienen estos resultados: el volumen del discurso de odio aumenta en el último trimestre; el patrón del mensaje es ofensivo del tipo basado en la otredad, violencia, ironía y estereotipos; la agenda temática es la caravana migrante en Centroamérica, migración de haitianos y venezolanos y posibilidad de contagios por Covid-19. Este estudio concluye que el discurso de odio experimenta un crecimiento durante eventos de movilidad colectiva de migrantes. |
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El proyecto pretende fortalecer los mecanismos de protección de la vida y el territorio dentro de un Refugio Humanitario, a través de un sistema de comunicación comunitaria altoparlante utilizando dispositivos IoT, concretamente Raspberry Pi (el cual es un ordenador de placa reducida de bajo costo desarrollado en el Reino Unido por la Raspberry Pi Foundation, con el objetivo de poner en manos de las personas de todo el mundo el poder de la informática y la creación digital) fortaleciendo los nodos ya instalados entre la Finca la Trinidad y la Finca el Barrancón, vereda Lomitas y ampliar dicha red a dos puntos de la vereda La Balsa, que permita crear una red comunicativa libre y abierta. |
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Las desigualdades sociales interseccionales como el género, grupo socioenómico etc; obstaculizan el ejercicio de derechos. Esta interseccionalidad tiene un papel activo en la brecha digital de género, la pandemia mostró que la brecha digital acrecentó la situación de vulnerabilidad de ciertos grupos, pero no se cuenta con información desagregada por género y edad para entender cuál fue/es la experiencia de niñas y mujeres adultas mayores lo que ha impedido que autoridades tomen decisiones informadas y planteen soluciones a corto y a largo plazo. Es por eso que el objetivo de esta investigación es conocer cuáles son los retos a los que se enfrentan las niñas, y mujeres de la tercera edad para sobrevivir a la brecha digital en el área urbana y peri urbana de la ciudad de La Paz, también se analizan las diferencias y similitudes de cada grupo investigado. |
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Este documento es un esfuerzo por conocer cómo utilizan la Internet los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA), así como sus perspectivas respecto a temas vinculados al ciberespacio: acceso, uso, ciberseguridad, bienestar y disfrute. Para esto, realizamos una colaboración con niñas, niños y adolescentes de Guanajuato y Chiapas. Es un documento construido con reflexiones de 12 niñas, niños y adolescentes con base en una metodología que consiste en ejercicios etnográticos e instrumentos cualitativos. Las reflexiones y experiencias que aquí encuentres son para que todas las personas reconozcamos que la Internet también es de las infancias. |
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A presente investigação tem como objetivo compreender os desa?os dos estudantes da zona rural da Paraíba (Brasil) no que tange o ensino remoto durante a pandemia do novo coronavírus (COVID-19) mediante a plataformização da educação. A pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo os alunos da zona rural paraibana que enfrentam desa?os em relação às aulas remotas no atual contexto pandêmico. Por meio de um questionário aplicado tanto presencial quanto online, foi possível entrevistar 120 alunos de 13 cidades e de 25 zonas rurais paraibanas. Identi?ca-se que 99,2% dos alunos campesinos respondentes possuem acesso à Internet, o mesmo percentual também se iguala aos que possuem dispositivo eletrônico e que o smartphone/celular é o dispositivo móvel usado por mais de 100 dos 120 entrevistados para acompanhar as aulas e as atividades remotas. Além deste relatório, foi feito um vídeo com depoimentos. |
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This research project is a project that aims to strengthen the technological and professional capacities of girls in the Western Department, whose knowledge of technology is low. It is also about contributing to the emancipation and autonomy of girls in digital technologies and communicational practices, through transformational learning, as a contribution to sustainable development, from the promotion of gender equality, access to knowledge, employment and financial independence. To carry out this said project, a three-step method was developed with the aim of equipping about fifty young girls aged 15-20 who were chosen at the local level, more precisely in the West Department. These three steps consisted of:
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This research sought to determine the state of digital literacy levels among elderly citizens in regions 4, 5 and 10 in Guyana. it sought to determine what is the current state of digital literacy in the 3 regions as well as the underlying issues impacting their digital literacy levels. the research was conducted using both qualitative and quantitative data which were collected via structured surveys while the qualitative data collection methods. They were gathered through telephone interviews and compared with other studies done in other countries with similar problems. The sample frame had clusters across the 3 administrative regions including the main towns. Interviews were also conducted in the urban and rural areas. Data collected were then analysed, after which conclusions were drawn and recommendations made. |
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This study, Investigating the Caribbean ICT Landscape, set out to contribute to the planning and provisioning of adequate and accessible telecommunications and internet infrastructure and services in the Caribbean. Its focus was evidence-based insights, with particular emphasis on underserved communities. For demonstrative purposes, this study considered three sample countries (Guyana, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago). Both primary and secondary research methods (desk research, interviews and surveys) were used to ascertain the data needs of ICT policymakers and regulators in the three countries under study. Data deemed necessary was grouped into different categories to create country-speci?c pro?les on the state of ICT, which were then assessed by the originally surveyed stakeholders. The ?ndings of this investigation indicate that there is a dearth of publicly available data necessary to assess meaningful connectivity and other key access metrics to inform evidence-driven policymaking. In particular, considerable gaps exist in data on the regularity of internet use, access to appropriate devices and adequate data, and connection speed; as well as data disaggregation by geography, demography, socioeconomic status, and other key factors. All project outputs, including country pro?les, are available on a stand-alone reporting website |
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La declaratoria de Emergencia Sanitaria por COVID-19 en Ecuador inició el 11 de marzo de 2020. El presente análisis recoge los casos de violencia de género digital (VGD) acompañados por Navegando Libres por la Red -un programa de la línea de derechos digitales, de la organización feminista Taller de Comunicación Mujer ? desde la declaratoria de confinamiento por COVID-19 en Ecuador. La hiperconectividad derivada de la pandemia por COVID-19 ha afectado a la cotidianeidad de la población y las relaciones sociales, dándose nuevas o continuadas situaciones de violencia y discriminación en los entornos virtuales; lo que se refleja en el impacto al ejercicio de diferentes derechos como la libertad de expresión, el acceso a Internet, la salud integral, en particular para personas en condición de vulnerabilidad como niñas, niños y adolescentes, población LGBTIQA+, en movilidad humana, entre otras. Nombrar y visibilizar la violencia de género digital nos acerca un paso más a su mitigación y erradicación, en tanto que nos permite seguir trabajando por el derecho a una vida libre de violencia. Este reconocimiento de las violencias de género digitales ha de hacerse dentro de manera contextualizada, en tanto que sólo así podremos atender las diferentes emergencias en su especificidad. |
Projects selected in 2020
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"Lo que callamos durante el Home Office", una Investigación sobre el acceso de las mujeres a la tecnología e Internet. Frente a la pandemia provocada por el COVID19, la división sexual del trabajo, las brechas de acceso nos preguntamos ¿Cuáles son los Retos y estrategias de acceso a la tecnología de la información y comunicación, plataformas e internet por mujeres en Aguascalientes durante la pandemia para la realización del trabajo a distancia? Audios: |
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Boom or Bust; explores last mile connectivity through the lens of a hip-hop aficionado. It specifically explores internet infrastructure in Bluefields Nicaragua, a indigenous and afro-descendant city located adjacent to a subsea fiberoptic landing station. This research examines the challenges for rural operators through interviews with backhaul providers UFINET and C&W Networks, a Community Network Operator in Kalinago region of Dominica, and through my personal experience with SayCel a Micro ISP operator in Bluefields. Specialized traceroute software was developed to enhance an understanding of the utilization, or rather underutilization of the subsea system in Bluefield Nicaragua, and its effect on internet quality and price. The document provides a new framework to understand last mile connectivity the potential of Micro ISPs and Community Networks to solve the failed rural connectivity problem in the Caribbean. |
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La cuarentena por la emergencia del COVID-19, afecto la realización de la labor educativa dentro de las aulas, por lo cual se tomaron medidas de emergencia para continuar la educación de manera virtual. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo compartir diversas situaciones educativas en donde se presentan la vivencia del docente y el alumno haciendo frente a las dificultades para continuar con su educación, desde la falta de capacidades en el uso de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones, hasta la creatividad y deseos de seguir enseñando que han hecho aprender de una manera acelerada como continuar con la labor, docente. Al mismo tiempo presentar desde la óptica de la Gobernanza de Internet, los actores involucrados más allá del docente y el alumnos para que se pueda realizar la labor educativa por internet. Especial publicado en el sitio Escuela Creativa Digital, que incluye un video resumen y las fuentes utilizadas en la investigación: |
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En las redes sociales, la violencia machista hacia las mujeres alcanza un volumen espeluznante. Según Amnistía Internacional, en Argentina, 1 de cada 3 mujeres ha sufrido violencia por esa vía. Además, como afirma el Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género, cuando las mujeres intervienen en los debates como referentes políticas, al acoso virtual se agrega un disciplinamiento para incentivar a la autocensura. Frente a este problema, el presente artículo analiza los condicionantes legales, económicos, culturales y tecnológicos que alientan la circulación de esta violencia simbólica en Twitter y ensaya soluciones posibles para el diseño de mecanismos de prevención y alfabetización digital. |
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To carry out this said research project, we conducted a survey of 50 schools that had approximately 1,000 high school teachers and staff from the Western Department in Haiti. We selected 10 participants per school, at the rate of 5 high school students and 5 teachers, therefore to carry out a survey of around 500 Participants. The objectives of this survey were to identify the gaps in the use of new information technologies in the issues of learning, information sharing and empowerment. After collecting data for the justification of these problems, we produced a complete and detailed document that can help stakeholders in Haiti in their decision-making. There also week of training, for the target participants on the new technologies of the information and communication by experts in specific fields in order to encourage them to make eficient and sustainable use of NTICS for their benefits and correct integration into societal life. At the end of the training, participants mandated to extrapolate this training in their specific establishments so that at the end of this project, we have more than 10,000 trained participants (teachers and students) on the use of new information and communication technologies. |
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A pergunta-problema que leva a desenvolver esta pesquisa é a seguinte: Devido às dificuldades locais, como a Internet chega aos lares rurais e o que os moradores campesinos do Assentamento Tiradentes, na cidade de Mari/ Paraíba conseguem acessar na Rede de computadores? O objetivo geral é entender como a Internet chega aos lares rurais e analisar o que conseguem acessar mediante as dificuldades locais. Entre os dias 18 e 27 de dezembro de 2020 foram entrevistados 100 moradores do Assentamento Tiradentes. Mulheres e homens, acima de 18 anos. Um questionário, com 20 perguntas, foi aplicado in loco e respondido no formato impresso e digital, através da plataforma Survey Heart. Nome, contato e endereço foram resguardados na presente publicação (questões de 1, 2 e 3), tendo em vista a proteção dos dados pessoais. Os dados mostram que há conectividade no assentamento, porém os números altos são uma mera ilusão. As pessoas estão mais conectadas para satisfazer as necessidades pessoais do que realmente aproveitando as oportunidades da vida digital (construção de comunidades digitais; criação de sociedades organizadas; participação na economia digital e desenvolvimento de empreendimentos digitais, etc) porque não tem uma conexão de qualidade necessária para efetuar outros tipos de atividades online. |
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Formato: Cada um dos 6 episódios contará com diálogo baseado em pesquisa prévia entre os pesquisadores, intercalados a trechos das entrevistas, com os temas: o conceito de 1) inclusão digital, 2) acesso, 3) indicadores, 4) competências digitais, 5) políticas públicas, e 6) problemáticas enfrentadas pelos usuários da internet. Objetivo: ampliar as discussões sobre inclusão digital e suas distintas interfaces sociais. Público: linguagem formal, mas não técnica Tempo de duração: até 30 minutos |
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This pilot study raised a set of health-related questions for which Internet-related solutions can be developed or improved upon, with the LAC region as its focus. Emphasis was given to data collection around two axes: ?access and quality of medicines? and ?digital health information?. Our questions were connected with medicine quality, purchase of medicines over the Internet, personal medicine importation, legality of telemedicine, ccTLD positions on domain names related to COVID-19, and ccTLD relations with National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs). Our findings were summarized in a comparison matrix that presents the findings in a visual way for an at-a-glance evaluation of the data. |
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Este trabajo aborda los casos de los Puntos de Intercambio de Internet (IXP) en tres países latinoamericanos: Argentina, Chile y Costa Rica, mediante la descripción y el análisis de los IXP en sí mismos, tanto en sus aspectos operativos como institucionales y cuantificando hasta donde sea posible sus beneficios. Subsidiariamente, se examinan también los entornos tecnológicos (infraestructura, CDN) y regulatorios en las naciones o áreas donde funcionan tales IXP. Seguidamente, se presentan las conclusiones generales y, por último, se expone una bibliografía comentada sobre IXP en América Latina. |
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En este trabajo se describe y analiza la cobertura que hicieron los medios de comunicación social de Panamá acerca de la brecha digital durante los seis primeros meses de la pandemia generada por la COVID-19. Enmarcada la brecha digital de acceso dentro del contexto de una sociedad desigual, la revisión de la situación panameña reveló un panorama marcado por graves asimetrías, definidas por la condición socioeconómica y la división territorial. El descontento generado por las dificultades para acceder a la educación en línea detonó una amplia cobertura por parte de los medios de comunicación; sin embargo, el fenómeno se trató con poca profundidad explicativa. Dada la centralidad que ha cobrado este problema y por sus implicaciones futuras, se derivan recomendaciones en los ámbitos periodístico, investigativo, educativo, y de políticas públicas, que podrían contribuir a comprender esta brecha para poder subsanarla. |
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Este artículo busca presentar una aproximación a la percepción que existe en la conectividad de los centros de ciudad a la internet vs la periferia. Este desarrollo se expresa en la condiciones socioeconómicas propias de la región y su actuar político acorde con el mismo crecimiento de cada país. El Punto de partida en la búsqueda de esta respuesta son palabras claves en un inicio usando las tendencias de las búsquedas asociadas a términos como internet y por otro lado las relaciones al término y los resultados referentes vinculados a este término en las búsqueda de cada país de Centroamérica y que arroja de manera introductoria un esbozo de la realidad que puede percibirse en los motores de búsqueda de Google Trends, para en una segunda parte con un próximo artículo poder constatar con medios escritos esta relación de información y su acercamiento a conceptos como lo de gobernanza relacionados a la red de internet si debe ser centralizada, descentralizada o distribuida para acercarnos todos los actores involucrados y llegue este poder de accionar dentro de la red. Términos como internet o sin internet, en las búsquedas de Centroamérica se diferenciará dependiendo del desarrollo de internet en cada país. |
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Glocal Mesh LAC tuvo como objetivo explorar prácticas en educación digital crítica que permitan ampliar la participación de personas en la gobernanza del ecosistema digital. En este caso se hizo especial énfasis en promover una mayor comprensión del funcionamiento de internet, su vínculo con los derechos humanos y las posibilidades de las redes comunitarias en este sentido. Su relevancia radica en la insuficiente disponibilidad de políticas en educación digital basadas en derechos humanos. Es fundamental revertir este contexto para que individuos reflexionen acerca de las implicancias negativas que conlleva el creciente arraigo de internet en las sociedades y fomentar su participación activa hacia mitigarlas Para contribuir al campo de la educación digital se llevó adelante una investigación acción, valorando la calidad de las actividades y realizando ajustes de manera dinámica. Las acciones implicaron principalmente webinarios involucrando a adolescentes, representantes de centros educativos y ONG trabajando con estxs de diferentes países de Latinoamérica. Para promover un enfoque de co creación, diferentes organizaciones y profesionales dedicadas a estos temas en la región facilitaron webinarios y aportaron recursos. Como resultado se comparten los materiales, recomendaciones y reflexiones acerca de las posibilidades, limitaciones de esta experiencia y los próximos pasos para continuar desarrollándolos. |