Standardization Activities
Standardization work for RPKI infrastructure is carried out by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Produced by the Routing Protocol Security Requirements (RPSEC) working group, RFC 4593 analyzed the security threats to IP routing protocols. More specifically, this document mentions the falsification of routing information.
In 2007, the IETF established the Secure Inter-domain Routing (SIDR) working group to design architecture that would allow eliminating the threats to inter-domain (or external) routing identified in RFC 4593. This technology would have to allow incremental deployment.
Specifically, the SIDR working group documented the use of certificates for the delegation of the right to use Internet resources. Its work includes the specification of RPKI architecture, certification policies, and the profile of the certificates that will be issued and various other useful cryptographic materials. Before being able to issue RPKI certificates, extensions to the X.509 certificates had to be defined to represent IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and ASNs. The following RFCs are already part of the RPKI specification: RFC 6480 to RFC 6493, RCF6810 and RFC6811.
Further information on the work of the SIDR and SIDROPS working groups is available at the following links: