Who can vote

How to vote in LACNIC elections: Click here to watch the video

LACNIC members: Internet Service Providers (ISP), End Users, and Founding Members.

The organization must be current with their annual membership fees on the date on which the voters registry (list of organizations authorized to vote) closes, which is specified in this year's calendar.

Each member organization has a designated representative registered in the LACNIC database (or NIC Brasil – NIC Mexico). This person is the organization's membership contact and may vote through the MiLACNIC Portal (milacnic.lacnic.net*). This contact will also receive an email containing their organization's voting link.

*This option is not available to organizations in Brazil, as they do not have access to MiLACNIC.

Each member is fully responsible for the veracity of their membership contact's name and email address, and for updating this data as well as the rest of the information included in the LACNIC database (or NIC Brazil – NIC Mexico).

Online voting will be conducted using LACNIC's election software, from October 19 to 26 until 18 UTC.

The number of votes that each organization may cast ranges from 1 to 11, depending on their membership category (IP address space assigned to the organization): Number of votes per organization