2022 Elections: Fiscal Commission

Important notice: The LACNIC Board of Directors advises members not to distribute electoral propaganda by bulk messaging contacts obtained from the LACNIC database. LACNIC mailing lists are to be used only for the discussion of specific topics.

Call for candidates

Positions and Functions

The call for candidates to fill one position on LACNIC’s Fiscal Commission is now open.

This commission comprises three members whose positions are voluntary (unpaid) and who each serve a three-year term. 

Its members are charged with checking the accounting documentation and validating the financial documents presented by LACNIC at the Annual Member Assembly.

For more information on the role of this commission, we invite you to watch the following video:

Tasks and In-Person Participation

For an in-depth understanding of the tasks performed by the Fiscal Commission over the course of the year and their availability for on-site participation (travel managed by LACNIC), we invite you to watch the presentation given by the Fiscal Commission at the Annual Member Assembly held during the LACNIC 37 meeting in Cali, Colombia:

Because the presentation was given in Spanish, we have translated highlights of the aspects shared by each member of the Commission:

Adriana Ibarra:

“Our intention is to provide you with very practical information on what our functions are. We will give you some examples as well as references for those who wish to read further about our duties to learn or participate in the commission...”

“We travel once a year to LACNIC's offices, where we spend approximately a day and a half and participate in several meetings, which we will mention right now to provide a more practical explanation of the functions we carry out…”

“An important point: members of the Fiscal Commission are also part of the Ethics Committee...”

Hernán Arcidiácono:

“We have a presentation by the Executive Director —just as you did— where we are informed of the activities and objectives of LACNIC, in line with the new strategic plan for 2022-2025...”

“Each year, once we finish our work, we prepare a document for the Board of Directors where we present highlights of what we have seen and also offer suggestions... The next year, we follow up on what happened with those suggestions...”

“We attend the presentation of the financial statements by LACNIC and external auditors, with whom we later meet...”

“Any process and policy updates are presented to us and, based on those policy processes, we take a sample and verify their compliance. Finally, we have a meeting to provide our feedback to the directors present and the Executive Director to share with them the things we wish to highlight, offer suggestions and, in a way, provide closure…”

Aristóteles Dantas:

“I will now talk to you about the Report or opinion we prepared as part of our work at LACNIC's offices in March…”

“The Commission issues a report in reference to the financial statements for the term ended on 31st December 2021 and the independent auditor's report. Conclusions...”

“The results of the audit carried out by KPMG in their capacity as independent auditors of the Financial Statements corresponding to the term ended on 31st December 2021 were reviewed. The results of said audit were favorable and the financial statements reasonably represent, in all significant aspects, LACNIC's financial situation...”

“Based on the analysis of the independent auditor's report conducted by the Fiscal Commission and the documentation submitted by or requested from LACNIC, it is our conclusion that the information we have been presented reasonably reflects LACNIC’s financial situation...”

“…and therefore recommend its approval by the General Assembly under the provisions of the LACNIC Bylaws.”


Candidates must be citizens of the countries or territories that are part of LACNIC's service region.

Not more than one member with the same citizenship may be elected (*).

Only one member may have employment or consulting relationships with the same company or organization.

Candidates may or not be part of the organization submitting the nomination (self-nominations are allowed).

(*) Given that the Bylaws establish that members of the Fiscal Commission must be citizens of different countries, Argentinian and Mexican candidates will not be accepted for these elections.

The incompatibilities that apply to members of this commission are detailed in this document:


Nominations are verified by the Electoral Commission based on the following regulations:

Regulations Regarding Incompatibilities, Capacities and Suitability

Who can submit a nomination

A LACNIC member: Internet Providers (ISP), End Users or Founding Member.

Nominations must be submitted by the designated representative included in LACNIC's database (Nic Brasil – Nic Mexico): the organization's membership contact.

The organization submitting the nomination must be current with their membership fees.

Each organization may only nominate one candidate per vacancy.

Application Form

Nomination period closes: 22, June at 18:00 UTC

* By the end of the nomination period, each candidate must have completed the three documents that the Electoral Commission will analyze: 1) candidate nomination form; 2) questionnaire for determining potential candidate incompatibilities, their capacities and suitability; and 3) form containing candidate biography, photo and questions.


For more information: membresia@lacnic.net