Get IP Addresses/ASNs (FAQ)
To request resources from LACNIC, follow the instructions below:
First, go to and verify that you meet all the requirements.
Then go to and login with your personal user ID and password. If you do not have a user ID you must create one at
Once you have logged in, select the organization for which you would like to request resources and click the Select button.
If this is your first request, you must complete the form under New Organization.
If your organization is an Internet Service Provider, in the Type of Organization field select ISP. If your organization will use the requested resources for its own infrastructure and will not assign any resources to third parties such as banks, government agencies or universities, select End User or EU.
Once you have completed the form, click on the New Organization button to save your data. In the following screen, select the type of request you wish to submit from IPv4, IPv6 or ASN and complete the form with the requested information.
Tool tips provide additional information on the specific data that must be entered into each field.
Once the form is complete, click on the Submit Request button.
Within a few minutes you will receive an email confirming that your request has been received. Your request will be analyzed within 48 hours, after which one of our Internet Resource Analysts will contact you.
Any organization within LACNIC's coverage region can request the following Internet resources:
IPv4 address blocks IPv6 address blocks Autonomous System Numbers (ASN)
LACNIC applies the following criteria for the assignment of IP address blocks:
If the IP addresses will be used in your own infrastructure and will not be assigned to a third party, you can request resources as an End User.
If you provide Internet services and are planning to assign IP addresses to your customers (third parties), you can request resources as an ISP.
Different policies and membership fees apply in each case.
For more information on the requirements to qualify for receiving resources go to our IP Request site.
ASN requests do not include IP address blocks. These are two separate requests that must be submitted using the appropriate templates.
If your organization needs an ASN and an IP address block you should submit two separate requests: one for the ASN and the other for the IP address block.
LACNIC has an immediate assignment policy, the aim of which is to serve those organizations that have made significant investments to start their own operations as service or connectivity providers, but do not yet have the necessary IP addresses.
For further details on the applicable policy, see section Direct Allocations to Internet Service Providers in the Policies Manual.
After an application is approved, the organization must sign the Registration Services Agreement and pay the registration fee according to the appropriate category. As such in addition to the agreement, you should check whether this fee was paid. For further information regarding payments, you can contact facturacion [at] lacnic [.] net.
After an application is approved, the organization must sign the Registration Services Agreement and pay the registration fee in the appropriate category. Make sure that two copies of this agreement were signed and sent to LACNIC.