This document and/or information was originally written in Spanish, the official language of Uruguay, the country where LACNIC is legally incorporated and whose laws and regulations govern the organization. Likewise, unofficial information and/or documents are also written in Spanish, as this is the language in which most of LACNIC's advisors and officers work and communicate. We do our best to ensure that our translations are reliable and serve as a guide for our non-Spanish-speaking members. However, discrepancies may exist between the translations and the original document and/or information written in Spanish. In such cases, the original text written in Spanish will always prevail.


The Vice President shall have the following powers and responsibilities:

  1. To fulfill the functions of the President should the President give notice of their absence or resignation.

The Deputy Secretary shall have the following powers and responsibilities:

  1. To fulfill the functions of the Secretary should the Secretary give notice of their absence or resignation.

The Deputy Treasurer shall have the following powers and responsibilities:

  1. To fulfill the functions of the Treasurer should the Treasurer give notice of their absence or resignation.

Each Director shall have the following powers and responsibilities:

  1. To attend the Assemblies.
  2. To participate in Board of Director meetings, with full voting and speaking privileges.
  3. To undertake the assignments, functions, and tasks entrusted to them by the Board of Directors.

* Article modified by the Member Assemblies held on 24 April 2003, 28 May 2009, and 04 May 2022.