2022 Elections: IANA Numbering Services Review Committee (RC)


The LACNIC Board recommends refraining from sending electoral propaganda by mass messaging contacts obtained from the LACNIC database.

The Board would also like to remind you that LACNIC mailing lists are provided for the discussion of specific topics and must therefore not be used to distribute electoral propaganda.

LACNIC Electoral Commission presents the candidate to this electoral process:

Next, the application received for the position that will remain vacant from January 1, 2023.

Sergio Rojas

Biography and motivation for nomination: open

Country of citizenship: Paraguay

Country of residence: Uruguay

Organization name: Independent consultant

Name of nominating individual: Sergio Rojas (self-nomination)

Country of citizenshipof nominating individual: Paraguay

Organization of nominating individual: Independent consultant

Expressions of support:

  • Uesley Corrêa – Telecom Entrenamientos - Brazil
  • Marcelo Araujo – Winex Paraguay – Paraguay

If only one candidate meets the requirements, it will not be necessary to hold the election, but the LACNIC Board must still ratify the candidate's appointment.