"Great Place to Work 2019": LACNIC among the Top 10 Places to Work

For the eighth year in a row, LACNIC has made the list of the top ten places to work in Uruguay according to the ranking prepared by international consultants Great Place to Work.

This year, LACNIC was named the second best place to work in the category of up to 150 employees.

“The commitment and contribution of each of the organization's collaborators make LACNIC an excellent place to work and develop,” observed Oscar Robles, LACNIC CEO. “Appearing in this ranking is the result of the spirit of collaboration and the daily efforts in the pursuit of excellence,” Robles added.

“At LACNIC we value the people, we promote life-work balance and a relaxed, positive and healthy work environment,” noted Florencia Bianchi, People Engagement Manager. She also expressed her recognition of the work carried out by LACNIC's Organizational Climate Committee, made up by members of all areas of the organization, which proposes actions to improve the organizational climate each year.

The analysis conducted by Great Place to Work is the most well-respected study on workplace excellence and leadership practices worldwide. The study uses the same methodology across the world: surveys among employees regarding their level of trust in the relationships between them and management, and an assessment of the companies’ policies and practices. It has been published in Uruguay since 2003.