Call for candidates to fill one position in the LACNIC Electoral Commission


According to the provisions of LACNIC's bylaws and the calendar of this electoral process, between 15 and 22 of May, 2019, elections were held in order to select the candidate who will occupy one seat on LACNIC's Electoral Commission; votes were collected online.

After the voting period and its corresponding audit by the Electoral Commission and each voting organization, the elected candidate is:

Final results

Candidates Votes %
Horacio Tedesco 979 30%
Hortencia Jacqueline Mairena Flores 667 21%
Ricardo Guadalupe Acosta Mejia 630 19%
Abstención / Abstention / Abstenção 372 11%
Sherly Maria Jue Morales 273 8%
Reynold Guerrier 244 8%
Jorge Cawich 92 3%
Total of organizations that voted: 1484 Total of votes: 3257 100%
  • Number of organizations entitled to vote: 8,079
  • Number of organizations that voted: 1,484
  • Percentage: 18%

The Electoral Commission of LACNIC has the honor of confirming Horacio Tedesco to occupy one position in the Electoral Commission of LACNIC for the period of 3 years from this moment and until the end of the electoral process of 2022.

Our most cordial greeting and enthusiastic welcome to the new member of the commission and an enormous thank you to the 6 (six) candidates. Your initiative has been essential to this process.

LACNIC Electoral Commission

If you have any question for the commission, please contact


Who can vote and how?

Online voting period: From 15 May (18:00 UTC) – To 22 May (18:00 UTC)

See the voters’ registry of this process here

  1. The voters’ registry is the list of organizations enabled to vote.
  2. This list was closed on April 15, 2019 at 18 UTC and includes all the organizations of the categories Founding Members and Active A (which did not have outstanding balance in their financial statement on that date).

Each member organization has a designated representative (their membership contact in LACNIC, Nic México and Nic Brasil database) who has the right to vote on behalf of the organization he or she represents. Who will receive an email with the organization's voting link.

The membership contact's name and email address must be on file with LACNIC. The accuracy of this information is solely the member's responsibility; LACNIC will in no way be responsible for updating this information.



Candidates (in alphabetical order by name) Person nominating the candidate
Full name (without abbreviations) Organization Country of citizenship Country of residence Biography and Desirable Suitability Criteria Full name Organization Reason for the nomination
Horacio Tedesco Autonomous Argentina Argentina


Gastón Urruspuru Telefonica - Unidad Larga Distancia (Telefónica de Argentina S.A.) I recommend Mr. Horacio Tedesco in this nomination given his extensive career and experience in the Telco market, which would contribute motivating and taking advantage of his extensive knowledge acquired during his long career.
His current participation in the electoral commission and past congresses endorse, enrich and contribute even more value, to the regulation and correct development of the electoral processes, contributing new ideas that add to the recently implemented proposals, defending and representing the interests of community.
Hortencia Jacqueline Mairena Flores Hondutel Honduras Honduras


Roberto Danilo Lanza Chavarria Hondutel Ing. Mairena has been working in the telecommunications area for more than 15 years. She has always sought to make knowledge of the networks a priority for the country through her performance in the Honduran Telecommunications Company (HONDUTEL).
Jorge Cawich Alliance IP Belize Ltd. Belize Belize


Andy Martinez Alliance IP Belize Ltd. He has a lot to offer very resourceful and intelligent person.
Reynold Guerrier Sogebank Haiti Haiti


Self-nomination Sogebank Personally I attended my first LACNIC meeting in Montevideo in 2004. And from that day, I never missed an occasion to encourage my fellow citizens and companies located in Haiti to join the LACNIC community. The organization I represented today has been a LACNIC member for the past 3 years now and I was the one who lead it to this enrollment. We want to be more involved in the LAC community activities, contributing and reinforcing the LACNIC governance. It's also an opportunity to put our expertise and knowledge at the disposal of the community members while learning from them at the same time... 15 years later I nourish the ambition to serve the LACNIC community at a higher level. I beg the community members for their vote and I pledge to serve them with honor and dignity.
Ricardo Guadalupe Acosta Mejia Konecta de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. México México


Erik Hernández Pérez Konecta de Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. Ricardo has been participating in the LACNIC events with very good results, he has transmitted the spirit and the impulse of LACNIC to his place of work, in addition, he is a person who has enough knowledge about internet governance issues and I think he has an impartial and fair criterion, which makes him a good candidate for the position.
Sherly Maria Jue Morales  IBW Communications Nicaragua Nicaragua


Ivan Palacios  IBW Communications (IBW Nicaragua) Experience working at local ISPs in Nicaragua.
Participation in LACNIC events, virtual and in person.

Submitting questions or comments to the candidates

Ended period

See the voters’ registry of this process here

  • The voters’ registry is the list of organizations enabled to vote.
  • This list was closed on April 15, 2019 at 18 UTC and includes all the organizations of the categories Founding Members and Active A (which did not have outstanding balance in their financial statement on that date).

Voters’ registry

Electoral Process 2019

In accordance with article 24 of the LACNIC Bylaws (click here to read the full article here):

  • " The Electoral Commission shall be composed of five members."
  • “Members of the Electoral Commission shall serve a three-year term of office, with partial renewal of one or two positions each year, as applicable”.

According to article 26 of the Bylaws (click here to read the full article) in addition to other responsibilities, the LACNIC Board has the following responsibility:

  • "To establish objective, detailed criteria for determining the grounds for incompatibility of LACNIC’s elective members, as well as borderline or doubtful cases."

We invite you to read the Regulations regarding Incompatibilities, Capacities and Suitability approved in February 2018 by the Board (see Board minutes here).


The LACNIC Board recommends not distributing electoral propaganda by mass messaging contacts obtained from the LACNIC DB.

Likewise, the Board would also like to remind you that LACNIC mailing lists are provided for the discussion of specific topics and must therefore not be used to post electoral propaganda.


Opening of the period for receiving applications: 15 March (18:00 UTC)

Deadline for receiving applications: 15 April (18:00 UTC)

Closing of the voters’ registry (list of voting organizations with no outstanding obligations): 15 April (18:00 UTC)

Publication of the voters’ registry and list of candidates (in alphabetical order): 19 April

Period for submitting claims in connection with the voters’ registry and/or the candidates: 22 April - 24 April (18:00 UTC)

Deadline for deciding claims in connection with the voters’ registry and/or the candidates: 30 April (at 18:00 UTC)

Period for submitting questions or comments to the candidates: 19 April - 14 May

Online voting period: 15 May (18:00 UTC) - 22 May (18:00 UTC)

Auditing by the Electoral Commission: 22 May - 24 May (18:00 UTC)

Period for submitting possible claims in connection with the online voting system: 27 May - 28 May (18:00 UTC)

Deadline for deciding claims in connection with the online voting system: 31 May (18:00 UTC)

Publication of the official results: 28 May (if no claims are received in connection with the online voting system)

Who can be nominated and how?

  • Citizens of the countries or territories of the LACNIC coverage region that comply with the stipulations of article 24:

Members of the Electoral Commission shall be subject to the following incompatibilities:

  • Not more than one member may be citizen of the same country or territory in the region. Should a candidate for a position on the Electoral Commission have more than one citizenship, all such citizenships shall be considered when evaluating an alleged incompatibility. Any new citizenship acquired by a member of the Electoral Commission after their election shall not be considered grounds for incompatibility.(*)
  • Not more than one member of the Electoral Commission may have employment, consultancy or advisory relationships with the same Company or Organization and/or with one of its Related Companies, whether established in the same country or not.
  • Being nominated by a member organization's membership contact: Active A or Founding Member.
  • The organization presenting the nomination must be current with their membership fees.
  • Nominees may or may not belong to the organization submitting their nomination (self nominations are allowed).
  • Members have the right to nominate one candidate for each seat to be filled.

(*) The committee is currently composed of Nancy Cordova (Peru), Vivian Valverde (Costa Rica), Marcelo Corradini (Brazil) and Carolina Cofré (Chile). Likewise, the organizations of these countries can nominate candidates from other citizens of our region.

Application Form

Nominate a candidate / Deadline for receiving applications: 15 April (18:00 UTC).

Who can vote and how?

  • Member organization's: Active A or Founding Member
  • No outstanding balance on their account statement as of the date of voters registry
  • Voting is conducted electronically on LACNIC's elections system - article 25
  • The scale of votes goes from the value 1 to 11 depending on the member category (according to address space assigned) - article 19
  • Each member organization has a designated representative (their membership contact) who has the right to vote on behalf of the organization he or she represents. Who will receive an email with the organization's voting link.
  • The membership contact's name and email address must be on file with LACNIC. The accuracy of this information is solely the member's responsibility; LACNIC will in no way be responsible for updating this information.

More information about the Electoral Commission


According to LACNIC's Bylaws, LACNIC Electoral Commission consists of five members.

Article 24, chapter V:

This commission shall be responsible for overseeing and certifying the electoral processes of the bodies established under these Bylaws, including contesting or restricting to one the positions and candidacies at stake due to incompatibilities (having the authority to eliminate and/or restrict the candidacy of one or more contested candidates and/or candidates investigated at the Electoral Commission's own initiative), as well as for counting the votes and determining the results and winning candidates. The Electoral Commission may act based on third- party accusations or on its own initiative, and has the authority to summon an Extraordinary Assembly in case of serious irregularities in the election.

Powers and responsibilities

The same responsibilities and tasks that are found in article 24 correspond to the five members.

Mandates and incompatibilities (article 24):

  • Members of the Electoral Commission shall serve a three-year term of office
  • With partial renewal of one or two positions each year, as applicable
  • Members of the Electoral Commission shall be eligible for reelection as long as they continue to meet eligibility criteria
  • Not more than one member may be citizen of the same country or territory in the region
  • Not more than one member of the Electoral Commission may have employment, consultancy or advisory relationships with the same Company or Organization and/or with one of its Related Companies, whether established in the same country or not

Electoral Commission Meetings

The work and communications of the Electoral Commission are developed online. Through emails and the Elections System of LACNIC.

Code of Conduct

Like the staff of LACNIC, the Electoral Commission is ruled by our Code of Conduct.