Budget 2008
Budget 2008
Budget approved by LACNIC board for the period of 01/01/2008 to 12/31/2008:
Applications of Resources | Budget (USD) | % |
Commodities | 129.780 | 8% |
Personnel Repayments | 657.346 | 42% |
NonPermanent Repayments | 115.500 | 7% |
Travels and Capacitation | 307.865 | 20% |
Input and Suplies | 25.480 | 2% |
Services | 153.000 | 10% |
Communications Costs | 36.100 | 2% |
Various Expenses | 17.000 | 1% |
Contribution and Membership | 57.000 | 4% |
Cooperation | - | - |
Financial Costs | 45.600 | 3% |
Incidentals | 14.883 | 1% |
Total | 1.559.553 | 100% |