LACNIC and OAS Provide Training for Public Institutions in Costa Rica

The Network Information Center (NIC), the Judicial Investigation Department (OIJ), and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications of Costa Rica organized a workshop on "Cybersecurity: Ethical Hacking, DNSSEC, and IPv6" aimed at public institutions.

This activity was organized within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement signed between the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Internet Address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean (LACNIC), which seeks to strengthen both organizations' initiatives to develop cybersecurity in the region.

The event was attended by prominent experts in the fields of cybersecurity, Internet, and "ethical hacking," among them Belisario Contreras and Diego Subero representing the OAS Inter-American Committee against Terrorism, Juan Alejo Peirano representing LACNIC, and Marcelo Rodriguez, teacher and researcher at the UDELAR School of Engineering and trainer for LACNIC's Amparo project.

Workshop participants included members of the Costa Rican Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), the Costa Rican Social Security Organization, the Costa Rican Institute for Electricity, and the National Bank of Costa Rica, as well as the Judicial Investigation Agency and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Rosalia Morales, Executive Director of the Costa Rican NIC, noted that the training that was offered will allow the country to be better prepared in terms of DNSSEC technology for Internet security.

"Because DNS infrastructure is considered to be critical, the proper operation of the Internet requires that it be kept secure and stable. This is the key role of DNSSEC and the importance of its implementation throughout the region," explained Peirano.