About the Review Committee, RC and its Electoral Process

This section contains information on the following topics:

  • Dissemination
  • Positions
  • Powers and Responsibilities
  • Terms and Incompatibilities
  • Meetings
  • Elections


All information regarding the Review Committee is available in this section and the Review Committee section

All communications regarding the election of NRO NC/ASO AC members will be published on our website and through the Announcements (anuncios@lacnic.net, subscribe) and  Policy (politicas@lacnic.net, subscribe) mailing lists. 


The Service Level Agreement for the IANA Numbering Services (NRO SLA) considers the creation of a Review Committee (RC). This Review Committee will be made up by three (3) representatives of each RIR.


The RC will comprise a total of fifteen members, three from each of the five RIRs, as follows:

  • Two community appointees from each RIR region (who must not be RIR staff or board members)
  • One RIR staff from the region

Powers and Responsibilities

The functions of the Review Committee (RC) include advising and assisting the NRO EC in its periodic review of the service level of the IANA Numbering Services provided to the Internet Number Community.

Terms and Incompatibilities 

Each year LACNIC announces a public call for nominations to fill one (1) vacancy on the Review Committee corresponding to the LACNIC region. The elected representative serves a two-year term.

Any individual from the LACNIC region may be nominated, provided that the following incompatibilities are observed:

  • Staff of any of the RIRs
  • Members of the LACNIC Board
  • Individuals of the same nationality as any of the members elected by the LACNIC community who are already serving on the RC


Positions on the Review Committee are honorary, therefore RC members do not receive compensation for their services.

Members of the RC will not receive from LACNIC or the NRO any compensation or reimbursement of expenses for their services.

Although it is not expected that members of the RC will be required to travel as part of their duties, should it be necessary for them to do so, LACNIC will cover the cost of transportation and accommodation for LACNIC region representatives to attend those events where their participation is necessary to exercise their duties on behalf of the LACNIC Community.


What are the requirements for being nominated? How are nominations submitted?

  • Any individual from the LACNIC region may be nominated, provided that the incompatibilities for serving on the RC are observed.
  • Self-nominations are allowed.
  • To be eligible, candidates must state that they have knowledge of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the IANA Numbering Services Operator, as well as of the Number Community proposal for the IANA Functions Stewardship Transition.
  • Only candidates who receive five (2) expressions of support before the corresponding deadline may run in the election.
  • Information on the candidates (acknowledgment of nominations, expressions of support, candidate bios) will be published on LACNIC's website.
  • If the deadline for candidate nominations expires and no candidates meeting all the requirements have been nominated, an additional 15-day nomination period will be announced.
  • If this additional nominations period expires and candidates meeting all the requirements have still not been nominated, the LACNIC Board will appoint an RC member, considering the requirements established for the position.

If only one candidate meets the requirements, voting will not be necessary. Such candidate's appointment must be ratified by the LACNIC Board.

Should failure to perform their duties affect the RC's operation, the LACNIC Board may decide the removal of any member of the RC. The Board will publish the reasons for the removal and will appoint one or two temporary substitute members, as appropriate, within a maximum of two weeks. Temporary substitute members will serve on the committee until the next election.

Should a member of the RC be elected to the LACNIC Board of Directors, such member must resign from the RC before taking office on the Board.

Who can vote? How does voting take place?

  • Voting takes place during a meeting of the LACNIC Public Policy Forum.
  • Anyone who is inside the room when the voting begins may vote.
  • Each voter may check the name of one (1) candidate on the voting sheet. Each checkmark will be counted as one vote.
  • Votes are anonymous.
  • A three-member commission appointed during the Public Forum will be responsible for counting the votes. Candidates may not be part of this commission.
  • Once the votes have been counted, the candidate with the highest number of votes will be proclaimed representative of the LACNIC region to the NC.
  • In the event of a tie, the candidates with the highest number of votes will proceed to a second round of voting from which all other candidates will be excluded.