Strategic plans
We are building a regional community for a better global Internet.
To manage Internet number resources for Latin America and the Caribbean, maintaining standards of excellence and transparency and promoting the participatory policy development model.
To lead the permanent construction of the regional community, strengthening technological capabilities and applied research for the development of a stable, open Internet.
To lead the strengthening of an open, stable and secure Internet at the service of the economic, social and cultural development of Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting the collaborative Internet model.
To manage Internet number resources for Latin America and the Caribbean through the participatory development of policies, based on a culture of excellence, transparency, and continuous improvement, adding value to our community by:
building capacity among the regional community by means of training initiatives, cooperation, and collaboration with other organizations;
engaging and bringing a regional perspective to industry and Internet Governance forums;
strengthening the multistakeholder, participatory, and bottom-up Internet Governance model; and
promoting the use and development of Internet standards, involving the regional community in the process.
Permanently serving as a regional leader in issues relating to Internet development.
To lead the creation of synergies and initiatives for the construction of an open, stable and secure Internet at the service of the economic, social and cultural development of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The constant search for excellence in the management of Internet numbering resources for Latin America and the Caribbean, based on a culture of continuous innovation and adding value for our community by:
- Continued strengthening of a secure, stable, open, and continuously growing Internet.
- Promoting and enriching a multistakeholder, participatory and bottom-up Internet governance model.
- Developing, promoting and adopting new technologies and standards.
- Building relationships and cooperating with other organizations.
- Developing regional capabilities by means of forums, training activities and cooperation projects..
- Maintaining reliable information that will constitute a regional source of reference on Internet-related issues.
- Timely responding to the expectations of our community within a changing en vironment.
- Participating in international forums, contributing a regional perspective.
"To lead a space for building and articulating initiatives for Internet development and stability in Latin America and the Caribbean."
To administrate Internet numbering resources and contribute
to the creation of collaboration and cooperation opportunities
that will benefit the regional Internet community, committed to:
- The quality of our services
- Constantly perfecting an impartial, participative and transparent self-regulation model in cooperation with the other regional Internet registries
- Promoting the participation of all stakeholders in the organization's processes
- Adopting and promoting technological advancements and standards within the industry
- Strengthening the relationships with the main Internet stakeholders within the region
- Developing regional capabilities through training and the dissemination of Internet-related technology
"To be a leader in the construction and articulation of collaborative efforts for Internet development and stability in Latin America and the Caribbean"
To administrate Internet numbering resources, contributing to the creation of collaboration and cooperation opportunities that will benefit the regional Internet community, committed to:
- the excellence and quality of the services provided to our clients,
- constantly perfecting an impartial, participative and transparent self-regulation model,
- the adoption and promotion of technological advancements and standards within the industry,
- strengthening the relationships with the main stakeholders of the Internet within the region,
- the development of regional capabilities through training and the transmission of Internet-related technology.