Process and requerimentos for the elections of the Public Policy Forum

LACNIC issues an annual call for nominations for the position of Co-Chair of LACNIC's PDP. A vacancy is generated at the conclusion of each Chair's term, which coincides with the closing of the Public Policy Forum held each year in the month of May.

General Schedule

  • Period for candidate nominations 
  • Voters registry and receipt of nominations 
  • Electronic voting begins
  • Electronic voting ends
  • Runoff ballot begins (in case a tie occurs)
  • Runoff ballot ends

Elections for PDP Co-Chairs are conducted as follows:

Candidate nominations and expressions of support

Candidates must meet one of the following requirements:

  • Be one of the contacts of a LACNIC member organization
  • Be nominated by a LACNIC member*

*The nomination must be submitted by the designated membership contact of the organization before LACNIC.

Individuals who hold a position at LACNIC (Board of Directors, Electoral Commission or staff) may not stand as candidates to be elected PDP chair. See section 3.2.2 About PDP Chairs.

  • Self nominations are allowed.
  • The candidates' names and bios will be published in LACNIC´s web site.


  • Those who are eligible to vote will receive instructions before the date on which electronic voting is scheduled to begin.
  • Anyone who has subscribed to the policy mailing list before the date on which the voters registry closes will be authorized to vote. LACNIC staff members may not vote.
  • Votes are anonymous.
  • Once all votes have been counted, the person who obtained the highest number of votes will be appointed Co-Chair of LACNIC's PDP for a period of two (2) years starting immediately after the current Forum closes and ending after the Public Forum to be held two years from then.
  • When a tie occurs, a runoff ballot is conducted between the two candidates with the equal number of votes.

Policy Development Process Chairs

LACNIC's Public Policy Forum is run by two Chairs, both having the same functions.

Functions of the Public Policy Forum Chairs

  1. To lead and prepare public policy forum discussions. Discussions shall be moderated by at least one of the two chairs; they may alternate in this function during the course of the discussion.
  2. To moderate the public policy list and the PDP in general.
  3. To evaluate and suggest minor changes to proposed texts before the corresponding call for consensus.
  4. To evaluate whether consensus has been achieved in policy discussions.
  5. To suggest the finalization of the discussions on a specific issue on the public policy list.
  6. To decide whether to withdraw a policy.
  7. To call for the creation of working groups on the public policy list.
  8. To receive comments from LACNIC's staff in relation to different aspects of a policy proposal. These comments may include, among others, comments on the wording of a proposal, the cost of implementing a proposal, legal implications, and where to include a proposal / policy change within the LACNIC Policy Manual.


Policy Chairs: LACNIC will pay travel and accommodation expenses for attending both LACNIC events so that the Pubic Policy Forum Chairs can perform their duties.

Important Information

  1. PDP Chairs may not be members of LACNIC's staff.
  2. PDP Chairs serve in a voluntary and unpaid capacity.
  3. Call for nominations are issued through the Public Policy mailing list.
  4. Anyone subscribed to the Public Policy Mailing List may participate.
  5. Voting takes place immediately before the Public Policy Forum.
  6. Electronic mechanisms are implemented to ensure that each person subscribed to the list may cast only one vote.
  7. The elected chair will be announced during the first Public Policy Forum held after the election and will begin their term immediately after the closing of said Forum.
  8. If a candidate is not elected, the LACNIC Board will appoint, as soon as possible, a chair to fill the vacant position until the following Public Policy Forum. The person thus appointed will only serve in their position until the next time an election can be held.
  9. These positions are held alternately for 2 years, with the possibility of unlimited reelection.

Meet the Current PDP Chairs

Policy Forum Chairs