Netnod and LACNIC Sign MOU

Netnod and LACNIC Sign MOU

Netnod and LACNIC have signed an MOU related to deployment of nameservers for the Domain Name System in the LACNIC region.  The agreement was signed by Mr. Oscar Alejandro Robles-Garay and Mr. Kurt Erik Lindqvist in July, 2015 to improve collaboration between Netnod and LACNIC for promoting the deployment of "I" root server copies throughout LACNIC's service region.

Currently, there is only one copy of the "I" root name server in Latin America and the Caribbean.

LACNIC and Netnod have a history of collaboration and a shared vision on the role root server copies should play in the security, stability and resiliency of the Internet. 

"We are very happy to have reached this agreement by which LACNIC can continue to evolve the Internet in their region, and we are proud to become a partner to LACNIC," said Kurtis Lindqvist, CEO of NETNOD.

As a result of this MOU, there will be an increased number of "I" root server copies throughout the region, thus improving DNS redundancy and robustness in the LACNIC region. This is in line with the goals of LACNIC's +RAICES program, which promotes the deployment of anycast root server copies in different countries of its service region.  It will also increase the footprint of Netnod DNS services worldwide.

"We are very pleased, as this agreement is the result of years of collaboration with Netnod. This MOU allows us to take advantage of Netnod's expertise in our operations and our efforts to maintain a stable Internet in the LACNIC service region," said Oscar Robles, CEO of LACNIC.