When "Jobs of the Future" Become "Jobs of the Present" - How to be ready for a quickly-evolving economy

Date Duration
 13 july  60 min

The webinar has a simultaneous interpretation service available in Spanish, English and Portuguese.


This webinar aims to present and conceptualize current challenges, social and technological changes impacting the present and future of work and jobs, the skills needed in this landscape and how to adapt to a fast-paced evolving scenario.


Mary Jo Madda

Mary Jo Madda is Senior Program Manager at Google, where she is a lead for an afterschool computer science education program targeting Black, Latino/Hispanic, and Native high schoolers. She is also a doctoral student at the UCLA School of Education and Information Studies.

At the start of her career, she taught middle school math/science in Houston, Texas, and later in Los Angeles, CA, where she also served as an administrator, curriculum coordinator and decathlon coach. Following her years teaching, she was a member of the Scratch team at the MIT Media Lab, an instructional coach with MATCH Charter Schools, and an Education Entrepreneurship Fellows at the Harvard University Innovation Lab. Before Google, Mary Jo served as a Director and writer at EdSurge, an edtech news organization.

Mary Jo has a master's from the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University. She was featured on the Forbes "30 Under 30" list, spoke at TEDxChicago, and has been published in The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. In her spare time, Madda is an avid visual artist and loves wearing red lipstick.