Election process to elect one member for the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee
The LACNIC Board recommends refraining from sending electoral propaganda by mass messaging contacts obtained from the LACNIC database.
The Board would also like to remind you that LACNIC mailing lists are provided for the discussion of specific topics and must therefore not be used to distribute electoral propaganda.
During its meeting held on 22 October 2020, the Board of Directors ratified Sergio Rojas, the only candidate standing for election for a position on the Review Committee. His term will begin on 1 January 2021 and will end on 31 December 2022.
If you have any questions, please address them to membresia@lacnic.net
Given that only 1 candidate has been nominated for the position, the election will not take place. The board of directors has the power to ratify the candidate during their monthly meeting on October 22.
LACNIC Electoral Commission presents two candidates to this electoral process:
Next, the applications received for the position that will remain vacant from January 1, 2021.
Sergio Rojas
Biography and motivation for nomination
Country of citizenship: Paraguay
Country of residence: Uruguay
Organization name: Consultor TI
Nome de quem nomeia: Auto Nominado
Organization of nominating individual: Auto Nominado
Expressions of support: Ricardo Patara (pessoal), Carmen Denis (Centro de Mujeres en Tecnología, IXP Yucatán)
On September 14, Lia Solis requested the removal of her name from the list of candidates to the Electoral Commission. This candidate will not be included during the voting period.
Lia Solis
Biography and motivation for nomination
Country of citizenship: Bolivia
Country of residence:Bolivia
Organization name: ENTEL S.A.
Name of nominating individual: Vidaluz Arista López
Organization of nominating individual: Equipos y Sistemas S.A.
Expressions of support: Vidaluz Arista López (Equipos y Sistemas S.A.), Darwin Santana (Columbus Networks Dominicana)
Questions and comments to the candidates:
Submission of questions or comments to the candidates ended on 15 September at 18:00 UTC
Call for Nominations
This is an open call for nominations to fill one (1) seat on the IANA Numbering Services Review Committee (RC) in representation of the LACNIC region.
The elected representative will serve a two-year term beginning on 1st January 2021.
About the Review Committee
How many members are part of the RC in representation of LACNIC?
What are their powers and responsibilities?
According to the Service Level Agreement for the IANA Numbering Services, the Internet Number Community calls for a Review Committee. The RC's function is to advise and assist the NRO EC in its periodic review of the service level of the IANA Numbering Services provided to the Internet Number Community.
Members of this committee serve on an honorary basis, without receiving compensation for their services. Likewise, members of the RC will not receive from LACNIC or from the NRO any compensation or reimbursement of expenses for their services.
While it is not expected that travel will be part of the duties of the members of the RC, in case it is necessary for them to do so, LACNIC will cover the transportation and accommodation costs for LACNIC region representatives to attend the events where their participation is required so that they can exercise their duties on behalf of the LACNIC Community.
Important information regarding this election process
- Any citizen of the LACNIC region may be nominated to this position, except staff members of any of the Regional Internet Registries, members of LACNIC's Board of Directors, and any individual having the same citizenship as one of the RC members elected by the LACNIC community and currently in office*.
* The community representative currently serving on the ASO AC is a Brazilian national. This means that citizens of this country can only nominate candidates who are citizens of other countries of our region. - Self-nominations are allowed.
- In order to be admitted, candidates must state that they are familiar with the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the IANA Numbering Services, as well as with the Numbers Community Proposal for the IANA Transition.
- Only candidates who receive at least 2 (two) expressions of support from citizens of the LACNIC region before the corresponding deadline may run in the election.
Due to the pandemic declared by the WHO and considering that our in-person events are now being moved online, community elections, which until recently were held in person at the Public Policy Forum, are currently being held online.
- Voting is conducted online using LACNIC's election software.
- Anyone who subscribes to the Policy list before the closing of the voters’ registry will be eligible to vote.
- Anyone who subscribes to the Policy list before the voters’ registry closes will be eligible to vote.
- Votes are anonymous.
- Candidate information (acknowledgment of nominations, expressions of support, candidate bios) will be published on LACNIC's website.
- If only one candidate meets the requirements, it will not be necessary to hold the election, but the LACNIC Board must still ratify the candidate's appointment.
- If the deadline for candidate nominations expires and no candidates meeting all the requirements have been nominated, an additional 15-calendar day nomination period will be announced.
- If this extension to the nomination period expires and there are still no candidates meeting all the requirements, the LACNIC Board will appoint the RC member, taking into consideration the requirements specified for the position.
- Should failure to perform their duties affect the RC's operation, the LACNIC Board may decide the removal of any member of the RC. The Board will publish the reasons for the removal and will appoint a temporary substitute member within a maximum of two weeks. This temporary substitute member will serve on the Committee until the following election.
- Should a member of the RC be elected to the LACNIC Board of Directors, such member must resign from the RC before taking office on the Board.
In the event of a tie, a runoff vote will be held among the candidates with the highest number of votes, excluding all other candidates.
2020 Calendar
Nomination period opens (with the corresponding expressions of support): |
4 August / 18:00 UTC |
Voters’ registry closes: |
7 August / 18:00 UTC |
Nomination period closes (with the corresponding expressions of support): |
3 September / 18:00 UTC |
Candidate list is published: |
9 September / 18:00 UTC |
Submission of questions or comments to the candidates: |
from 9 to 15 September / 18:00 UTC |
Online voting period begins: |
5 October / 18:00 UTC |
Online voting period closes: |
7 October / 18:00 UTC |
Audit by the Electoral Commission: |
7, 8, 9 October from/to 18:00 UTC |
Provisional results are published subject to observations: |
9 August / 18:00 UTC |
Submission of potential claims regarding the online voting process: |
9 to 13 October / 18:00 UTC |
Deadline for responding to any claims received regarding the online voting process: |
16 October / 18:00 UTC |
Official results are published (if no claims are received regarding the voting process): |
13 October / 18:00 UTC |
Official results are published (if claims are received regarding the voting process): |
19 October / 18:00 UTC |
Candidate nominations and expression of support: The period for nominating candidates and submitting expressions of support ended on 3 September at 18:00 UTC
More information:
If you have any questions, please email membresia@lacnic.net