David Ernesto Mena Cañas

Nominee information

Candidate´s name:

David Ernesto Mena Cañas

Country of residence:

El Salvador

Organization name:

Digicel El Salvador

Biographical information:

David Ernesto Mena Cañas (San Salvador 1980), Systems Engineer specializing in mobile and fixed IP network infrastructure with more than 10 years of experience in the field of convergent networks. Currently working as Network Infrastructure Manager at Digicel El Salvador in the Packet Core and Core IP department. Teaches CCNA, security, Linux. Self-taught. Currently working on IPv6 deployment. Member of the ISOC El Salvador chapter. Has helped train students at various Salvadorian universities on network technology topics and how the Internet allows for the development of communities, as well as their participation and empowerment. An enthusiast of the Internet and of the services that allow interconnecting communities to bridge the digital divide.

Nominating information

Reason for the nomination:

To actively participate in the LACNIC community and contribute to the management of the Internet resources that allow offering connectivity to the citizens of Latin America, and especially to El Salvador, with the aim of closing the digital divides in our countries.

Name of the person nominating the candidate:

David Ernesto Mena Cañas


Digicel El Salvador