ERX - Early Registration Transfer Project

When the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) was formed in December 1997, it inherited the InterNIC database of existing IP addresses and AS numbers, as well as the responsibility to maintain the records in it. These records became known as "early registrations."

Discussions regarding early registrations have taken place amongst the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) and throughout their communities. These RIRs include the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), ARIN, the Latin American and Caribbean IP address Regional Registry (LACNIC), and the RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC). The decision was made that the interests of the holders of these early registrations would best be served by managing the resources through the RIR appropriate to the region in which they reside.

Frequently Asked Questions page concerning the Early Registration Transfer Project.

Listed below is a schedule for the network resources due to be transferred within the next few months, with links to text files listing details.


 /8 Delegations Registro Majority
128/8 APNIC   RIPE NCC ARIN 01/03/2004 31/03/2004 Completed
129/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 09/12/2002 10/01/2003 Completed
130/8 APNIC   RIPE NCC ARIN 13/10/2003 12/11/2003 Completed
131/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 5/01/2004 4/02/2004 Completed
132/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 10/11/2003 10/12/2003 Completed
134/8 APNIC   RIPE NCC ARIN 27/10/2003 26/11/2003 Completed
135/8     RIPE NCC ARIN 15/3/2004 14/4/2004 Completed
136/8 APNIC   RIPE NCC ARIN 15/3/2004 14/4/2004 Completed
137/8 APNIC   RIPE NCC ARIN 19/01/2004 18/02/2004 Completed
138/8 APNIC   RIPE NCC ARIN 10/11/2003 10/12/2003 Completed
139/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 02/02/2004 03/3/2004 Completed
140/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 12/6/2003 15/7/2003 Completed
141/8 APNIC   RIPE NCC RIPE 03/3/2003 02/4/2003 Completed
143/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 13/10/2003 12/11/2003 Completed
144/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 8/12/2003 7/01/2004 Completed
145/8     RIPE NCC RIPE 7/9/2003 7/10/2003 Completed
146/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 5/01/2004 4/02/2004 Completed
147/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 7/9/2003 7/10/2003 Completed
148/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 29/9/2003 29/10/2003 Completed
149/8 APNIC   RIPE NCC ARIN 15/9/2003 15/10/2003 Completed
150/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC APNIC 10/3/2003 16/4/2003 Completed
151/8 APNIC   RIPE NCC RIPE 03/3/2003 02/4/2003 Completed
152/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 02/02/2004 03/3/2004 Completed
153/8 APNIC   RIPE NCC ARIN 16/02/2004 17/3/2004 Completed
154/8 APNIC     ARIN 6/8/2003 8/9/2003 Completed
155/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 27/10/2003 26/11/2003 Completed
156/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 8/12/2003 7/01/2004 Completed
157/8  APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 16/02/2004 17/3/2004 Completed
158/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 15/9/2003 15/10/2003 Completed
159/8  APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 29/9/2003 29/10/2003 Completed
160/8  APNIC   RIPE NCC ARIN 01/3/2004 31/3/2004 Completed
161/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 19/01/2004 18/02/2004 Completed
162/8  APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 12/6/2003 15/7/2003 Completed
163/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC APNIC 10/3/2003 16/4/2003 Completed
164/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 25/6/2003 28/7/2003 Completed
165/8  APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 23/7/2003 25/8/2003 Completed
166/8  APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 09/7/2003 11/8/2003 Completed
167/8  APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 25/6/2003 28/7/2003 Completed
168/8  APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 23/7/2003 25/8/2003 Completed
169/8  APNIC LACNIC   ARIN 6/8/2003 8/9/2003 Completed
170/8  APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 09/7/2003 11/8/2003 Completed
171/8      RIPE NCC ARIN 15/3/2004 14/4/2004 Completed
192/8 APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 13/10/2004 20/10/2004 Completed
196/8  APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 13/07/2004 11/08/2004 Completed
198/8  APNIC LACNIC RIPE NCC ARIN 13/07/2004 11/08/2004 Completed