Budget 2010
Budget 2010
Applications of Resources | Budget (USD) | % |
Commodities | 65.737 | 2,8% |
Personnel Repayments | 860.000 | 36,1% |
NonPermanent Repayments | 183.406 | 7,7% |
Travels and Capacitation | 442.505 | 18,6% |
Input and Suplies | 29.700 | 1,2% |
Services | 205.800 | 8,6% |
Communications Costs | 206.850 | 8,7% |
Various Expenses | 29.500 | 1,2% |
Contribution and Membership | 47.000 | 2,0% |
Financial Costs | 218.400 | 9,2% |
Incidentals | 92.805 | 3,9% |
Total | 2.381.703 | 100,0% |