Brahima Sanou (ITU) visits LACNIC and the Internet Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean

On Friday, November 9, 2012 the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Mr. Brahima Sanou, visited LACNIC and the Internet Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Accompanied by Sergio Scarabino, Acting Director of the Regional Office for Latin Americs and the Caribbean, Mr. Sanou was received by Oscar Messano, President of LACNIC's Board of Directors, and Ernesto Majó, the organization's Communications and External Relations Manager. During the visit, the need for all stakeholders to cooperate and articulate their efforts towards the development of the Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean, particularly towards the effective deployment of IPv6 and the strengthening of infrastructure through the creation of Internet exchange points (IXPs), was highlighted.

Mr. Sanou also had the opportunity to tour the Internet Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean and talk with RedClara representatives as well as members of the AHCIET Board of Directors, who invited him to participate in their meeting.