Port-Au-Prince, 12 August, 2013 – LACNIC, a non-government organization from and for the Latin American and Caribbean region, with the support of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and its partners, the Internet Society, Google, ICANN, NSRC, Transversal, Haïti Data Networks and Haïti Tec, launched the Ayitic - Internet for development program today, with the presence of Jean Marie Guillaume, Director General of the National Communications Council; Jean Marie Altema, Haiti e-Government Unit Coordinator; Harry Lindor, Technical Counsel for the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications; Hérissé Guirand, Board member of the Faculty of Sciences of the State University of Haiti; Raul Echeberria, Executive Director of LACNIC; and Reynold Guerrier, President of the Haitian Association for Information and Communication Technologies (AHTIC), who served as moderator. Planned for a hundred attendees, this session aimed at training trainers was especially designed for Haiti and geared towards the country's specific needs. The initiative aims at strengthening the technical capabilities of the professionals working in the information and communication technologies (ICTs) sector.

"One of outcomes of the LACNIC Caribbean 4 meeting held in Port-Au-Prince last year was that we identified the need to work in Haiti, proposing formats and activities developed for and focusing on responding to local needs," noted Raul Echeberria, Executive Director of LACNIC.

"The Ayitic - Internet for Development" program will kick off this year and will be a recurring activity. This first training session is in line with the Action Plan for National Recovery and Development of Haiti (PDNA), as the Haitian Government aims at rebuilding the pool of qualified human resources and developing modern, efficient information and communication techniques for public services (Internet development, digital networks, and the deployment of mobile communications to allow the government to communicate with the population) as one of the priorities for the country's development.

Attendees to this free workshop were selected by a committee of national and international experts.

The project specifically seeks to build capacity, expand knowledge networks, and strengthen decision-making spaces geared primarily towards telephony, practical aspects of computer networks (wireless networks, network management), security, and the deployment of IPv6, the new Internet protocol. It will also help strengthen ICT project management capability at local organization level in order to contribute to the country's technological development.

Workshop contents have been designed based on the results of a public survey that included more than 120 students and professionals and which helped identify those topics considered to be the most relevant by the community.

The workshop will be held in the newly rebuilt facilities of Canado Technique, in Pacot, on 12-16 August, 2013.

AYTIC has three goals:

  1. Developing a structured capacity building and strengthening program;

  2. Creating an institutional support model that will ensure the project's continuity and sustainability;

  3. Generating instruments that will allow measuring the project's medium- and long-term impact.


LACNIC is the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Address Registry. It is an international non-government organization responsible for assigning and managing Internet numbering resources (IPv4, IPv6), Autonomous System Numbers, Reverse Resolution, and other resources for the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. LACNIC is one of the five Regional Internet Registries that exist throughout the world. The organization contributes to Internet development within the region through an active cooperation policy, promoting and defending the regional community's interests. It helps create conditions that will allow the Internet to become an effective instrument for social inclusion and economic development in benefit of all Latin American and Caribbean countries and their citizens.

Press Contact

Alexandra Dans

Communications Coordinator


+598 95 831 442

See also
