Automated Internet Resource Management System (SARA)

SARA, LACNIC's Automated Internet Resource Management System, is an interface that can be used to automatically update the records for resources assigned to third parties (sub-assignments to clients). This task is performed using the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP).

If your organization has been assigned resources directly by LACNIC and is interested in testing the system, please follow the steps below:

Once we receive your request, we will be in touch to notify you when your access is granted.

Testing the SARA system

Before using the SARA service, members must modify their systems or create compatible modules to use the EPP interface and at least the following EPP commands:

  • create, info, update for users or contacts (contact mapping)
  • create, info, update for organizations (grorg mapping)
  • create, info, update, delete for IP address blocks (ipnetwork mapping)
  • info, update for ASNs (asn mapping)

The full description of each of these commands is available in the RFCs and technical drafts listed under “Technical Resources.”

NIC.BR maintains a C++ EPP client library which can be used in LACNIC member systems, and which also serves as a reference for implementation with other programming languages or for debugging purposes. This library is available at Once you download the library, installation instructions are available in the in the INSTALL file. This library also includes an EPP client called SHEPP that can be used for testing. The following link contains instructions for using SHEPP.

What is EPP?

Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) is an IETF standards track protocol for the provisioning and management of objects stored in a central repository. It is a client-server protocol that works with client-initiated command-response XML message exchanges on top of TCP and TLS transport.

While initially designed for domain name registries, the EPP protocol is flexible enough to permit the provisioning and management of other objects such as IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and ASNs. LACNIC wrote some extensions to EPP to allow the maintenance of number resources. For more information, see the Technical Resources section at the bottom of this page.

It should be noted that the use of the EPP protocol is optional. LACNIC members can still use our web-based registration system.

If you have any questions, contact hostmaster [at] lacnic [.] net

Technical Resources (in English)


RFC 5730 Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)

RFC 5733 Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Contact Mapping

RFC 5734 Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Transport over TCP

EPP Extensions

draft-neves-epp-brorg BR Organization Mapping for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)

draft-neves-epp-ipnetwork IP Network Mapping for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol

draft-neves-epp-asn Autonomous System Number Mapping for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP)