About LACNIC Fiscal Commission and its electoral process


According to LACNIC's Bylaws, LACNIC Fiscal Commission consists of three members.

Powers and responsibilities

The same responsibilities and tasks that are found in Article 27 correspond to these three members.

Mandates and incompatibilities (article 20):

  • Members of the Fiscal Commission shall serve a three-year term of office
  • One member of the commission shall be renewed each year
  • Members of the Fiscal Commission shall be eligible for re-election as long as they continue to meet eligibility criteria
  • Not more than one member may be a citizen of the same country or territory in the region
  • Not more than one member of the Fiscal Commission may have employment, consultancy or advisory relationships with the same company or organization or with one of its related companies, whether registered in the same country or not

Fiscal Commission Meetings

The Fiscal Commission meets twice every year: in Montevideo (where LACNIC headquarters are located) and again during the members assembly in May.

LACNIC Code of Ethics

Like the staff of LACNIC, the Fiscal Commission is ruled by the LACNIC Code of Ethics.


Who can be nominated and how?

  • Citizens of the countries or territories of the LACNIC coverage region that comply with the requirements of Article 20
  • Being nominated by a member organization's membership contact: Active A or Founding Members
    • The organization presenting the nomination must be current with their membership fees
    • Nominees may or may not belong to the organization submitting their nomination (self-nominations are allowed)
    • Members have the right to nominate one candidate for each seat to be filled

Who can vote and how?

  • Member organization's: Active A or Founding Members
  • No outstanding balance on their account statements as of the date of voter registration
  • Voting is conducted electronically via LACNIC's election system - Article 25
  • The scale of votes goes from the value 1 to 11 depending on the member category (according to address space assigned) - Article 19
  • Each member organization has a designated representative (their membership contact) who has the right to vote on behalf of the organization he or she represents. This membership contact will receive an email with the organization's voting link
  • The membership contact's name and email address must be on file with LACNIC. The accuracy of this information is solely the member's responsibility; LACNIC will in no way be responsible for updating this information