High level of satisfaction with LACNIC's services

High level of satisfaction with LACNIC's services

According to a survey conducted by international consultant Mercoplus, LACNIC has maintained a very good level of satisfaction among its clients for the fifth consecutive year as regards the services the organization provides in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Results of the consultant's research show that 94% of LACNIC's 5,500 members are very satisfied or satisfied with the work and services provided by the Internet Address Registry for Latin America and the Caribbean. According to Alfredo Verderosa, Customer Manager at LACNIC, results also show that there has been significant improvement in the opinion of LACNIC customers based in Central America and the Caribbean as compared to the previous survey.

According to data collected by Mercoplus, only 3% of LACNIC's more than 5,500 members has complained about the services and two out of three of these complaints were solved to the customer's satisfaction. Levels of resolution and the speed with which member requirements were met also rated highly: this indicator showed a 90% satisfaction rate. Likewise, nine out of ten respondents were satisfied with the staff member who handled their requirements.

The positive opinion expressed by LACNIC members results in a high level of commitment, as 88% would recommend the organization if someone were to ask.

Customers also rated LACNIC's resource allocation services (IPv4, IPv6 y ASN)  highly, with 91% of respondents stating they were very satisfied with this service.

The survey shows that LACNIC members have a close relationship with the organization and, on average, have contact with LACNIC four times a year. Participating in events and training activities accounts for the largest part of this contact.

Use of LACNIC. As for the use of LACNIC's products and services, the survey revealed significant growth of virtual training initiatives, which went from being used by 7% to 42% of the organization's members.

"Almost half of our customers are taking advantage of our online training activities. This percentage is even higher  68% if we include LACNIC's in-person training initiatives," noted Verderosa. There is also a high level of satisfaction with the outcome of these activities: according to the Mercoplus survey, 93% of participants are satisfied with the training they received.

Among other significant findings, the survey shows a 50% increase in member participation at the Public Policy Forum, a key meeting where participants propose, discuss and promote changes to LACNIC's existing policies.