Call for nominations of candidates to occupy the position of co-chair of LACNIC´s public policy forum


Name Number of votes

This is an open call for nominations of candidates to occupy the position of Co-Chair of the Public Forum. The vacant will be generated when Mr. Juan Alejo Peirano ends his term at the end of the Forum in May 2018 in Panama City, Panama.

Candidate´s name Country of residence Organization name Name Of The Person Nominating The Candidate Organization of the person nominating the candidate [+] info
Alex Ojeda Mercado





[+] info
Ariel S. Weher Argentina Tecno Azar S.A. Self-nomination Tecno Azar S.A. [+] info
Edmundo Cázarez-López


NIC México


NIC México

[+] info
Tomás Lynch


Telmex USA César Salazar 

Telmex USA

[+] info


  • Summons for nominations of candidates and expressions of support: March 01, 2018 at 18:00 hs UTC.
  • Reception of nominations, electoral roll and expressions of support close: March 30, 2018 at 18:00 hs UTC.
  • Electronic voting begins: April 03, 2018 at 18:00 hs UTC.
  • Electronic voting closes: April 09, 2018 at 18:00 hs UTC.
  • Runoff ballot begins: April 16, 2018 at 18:00 hs UTC.
  • Runoff ballot closes: April 20, 2018 at 18:00 hs UTC.

The election of Co-Chair of the Public Forum will be made in the following manner:

Nominations and expression of support

  • Calling for candidates will be made on March 01, 2018. The candidate must meet at least one of the following requirements:
    • be a LACNIC member
    • be nominated by a LACNIC member*

*The nomination must be submitted by the designated membership contact of the organization before LACNIC.

  • LACNIC staff could not nominate candidates nor be nominated
  • Self nominations are allowed
  • The term for presentation of candidates and candidate's acknowledgment is due on March 30, 2018 at 18:00 hs UTC.
  • As the applications are being received, the candidates' names and bios and expressions of support to the candidates which have been received before the closure of the reception of nominations will be published in LACNIC´s web site.
  • Candidates who will run for the election will be announced in the following days after the closing of nominations.

Nominating candidates

- To nominate a candidate, please send an email to with the subject: "Chair of the Public Forum" including the following information:


1. Candidate´s name:
2. Country of residence:
3. Organization name:
4. E-mail address:
5. Postal address:
6. Phone number:
7. Biographical information:


8. Motivation for nomination:
9. Nominator's Name:
10. Organization:
11. E-mail address:
All confirmed nominations will be listed on LACNIC´s website with biographical information.

Sending expressions of support to candidates

To send expressions of support to the candidates, please send a message to  including the following information:
1. Candidate´s name:
2. Name of supporting individual:
3. Organization:
4. E-mail address:


  • The electronic election of Co-Chair of LACNIC´s Public Forum will start on April 03, 2018 at 18:00h UTC. Those eligible to vote will receive instructions about the elections before this date.
  • People who have subscribed to the public Policy List before the closure of the electoral roll (March 30, 2018) will be allowed to vote. LACNIC staff members are not allowed to vote.
  • Vote will be anonymous.
  • Once the votes are count, the person who has obtained the largest number of marks (votes) will be proclaimed Co-Chair of LACNIC Public Forum for a two-year period starting at the end of this Public Forum, until the end of the Public Policy forum of 2020.
  • If there is a tie in the votes received, the voting will be cast again. Only the candidates who are tied will participate on this second voting.

Public Policy Forum Chairs

LACNIC's Public Policy Forum will have two chairs, both of which shall have the same functions.

Functions of the Public Policy Forum Chairs

  • To conduct and prepare Public Policy Forum discussions. Discussions shall be conducted by one of the two chairs, who may alternate in this function during the course of the event.
  • To conduct the Public Policy List and the Policy Development Process in general.
  • To evaluate and suggest minor changes to the texts proposed during the Public Policy Forum before the corresponding call for consensus.
  • To evaluate and suggest consensus in policy discussions.
  • To suggest the finalization of the discussions on a specific issue on the Public Policy List.
  • To decide to abandon a policy.
  • To summon the creation of Working Groups on the Public Policy List.
  • To receive comments from LACNIC's Staff in relation to different aspects of a policy proposal. These comments may include, among others, comments on the wording, cost of implementing a proposal, legal aspects, and the location of a proposal within LACNIC's policy document.

About Public Policy Forum Chairs

  • Public Policy Forum Chairs can not be members of of LACNIC's staff.
  • These positions shall be honorary.
  • They must be members of LACNIC or be supported by a member of LACNIC.
  • These positions shall be held alternately for 2 years, with the possibility of unlimited reelection..

About the election of the Chairs

  • Call for nominations will be made through the Public Policy mailing list.
  • All those subscribed to the Public Policy mailing list will be able to participate.
  • The election shall be conducted immediately before the Public Policy Forum.
  • It will be done using electronic mechanisms to limit one vote per person subscribed in the list.
  • The winning candidate of the electronic voting process must be ratified at the Public Policy Forum. The acting chairs will ask those in attendance whether they have any objections to the electronic voting process. If any objections are presented, the chairs shall evaluate whether the objections are sufficiently significant. If no objections are raised, or if the chairs consider that the objections are not significant, they shall proceed to ratify the winning candidate. Any chair who participated in the election as a candidate shall abstain from participating as chair during the ratification process.
  • The elected chair will begin her term immediately after the closing of the Public Policy Forum during which she was ratified.
  • If there was no ratified winner, LACNIC's Board of Directors will appoint a chair to fill the vacant position until the following Public Policy Forum. The next time an election and ratification process can be conducted, the person elected shall fill the position only for the remaining part of the original term.

About the election of the Chair´s  Responsibilities and Obligations

  • To publish the Public Policy Forum's agenda on the mailing at least two weeks before the start of the Forum, specifying, among other information, which policy proposals will be presented and discussed.
  • To prepare a Public Policy Forum report and submit it to the Policy List no more than 1 week after the end of the Forum.
  • To call members of the Policy List to debate the proposals presented during the Public Policy Forum but which failed to reach consensus and must be sent back for discussion no more than 1 week after the end of the Forum.
  • To issue a last call for comments for those proposals that reached consensus at the Public Policy Forum no more than 2 weeks after the end of the Forum.
  • To post the results of the last call for comments for those proposals that have reached consensus on the Policy List no more than 1 week after the last call for comments period closes.
  • To communicate the results of ratification by the LACNIC Board of those policies that reached consensus and received no observations during the last call for comments period, no more than 1 week after the publication of the minutes of the board´s meeting with the ratification.