LACNIC - LACNIC Creation Agreement Draft

Santiago de Chile, August 22, 1999


The Latin American and Caribbean Internet Address Registry (LACNIC), is the organization that administrates for the Latin American and Caribbean Region (LAC) the IP address space, Autonomous System Numbers (ASN), reverse resolution and other resources, on behalf of the Internet community.


  1. Provide registry services of IP addresses, ASN, reverse resolution and its associated resources in order to allow and facilitate communications through information networks.
  2. Represent and promote the regional viewpoints and interests in international organisms in its areas of competence.
  3. Support the growth of Internet in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  4. Support the Latin American and Caribbean community in the development of procedures, mechanisms and standards in order to assure the efficient assignment of Internet resources.
  5. Promote educational opportunities to its members in its technical and political areas of competence.
  6. Propose and develop public policies in its areas of competence.

The guidelines for LACNIC will be:

  • Offer a high quality service, with standards of neutrality and fairness.
  • Have the status of a non-for-profit organization with a board elected by its members.
  • Establish mechanisms so that the process of policy definition involves a wide participation of its members: academic, commercial, NGOs and other entities involved with Internet.
  • Define mechanisms to prevent that a member, group of members, or third party, be able to take control of the issues related with LACNIC.


A member of LACNIC must accomplish at least one of the next conditions:

  • Entities located geographically in LAC and holding at least a /21 CIDR
  • Block of IP numbers, from address space administrated by LACNIC.
  • Entities located geographically in LAC and holding at least a /21 CIDR Block of IP numbers, from address space not administrated by LACNIC.
  • Organizations established or whose activities are primarily deployed in LAC region, whose members are mainly ISPs.
  • Organizations established or whose activities are primarily deployed in LAC region, involved in Internet development.


Members that qualify as per point 1, can vote according to the amount of address space that administer, according to the following prefix length table:

  • Members holding a /19 or less, have one vote.
  • Members holding between a /18 and a /16, have two votes.
  • Members holding between a /15 and a /14, have 3 votes.
  • Members holding a /13 or greater, have 4 votes.

Members having qualified by means of point 2, have no right to vote.

Members having qualified by means of points 3 and 4, have one vote.

Iinterim Board of Directors

A Board of Directors has been established. It includes one representative from each of the following organizations: AHCIET, CABASE, CGIBR, ECOMLAC, ENRED and NIC-Mx, each having one vote. In case of draw, ENRED has a double vote. This Interim Board will remain in place until the initial assembly is convened.

The Board's goals are:

  • Prepare a draft of bylaws to be presented to the initial assembly.
  • Prepare and implement an initial business plan.
  • Design a business plan for LACNIC to be presented to the initial assembly.
  • Obtain funds to support the initial period.
  • Negotiate with ICANN to become an approved RIR for LAC region.
  • Appoint LACNIC interim representatives to ASO Address Council.
  • Interact with similar organizations.
  • Organize and start interim operations through the Technical Committee.
  • Promote membership in LACNIC.
  • Publish LACNIC activities and receive interested parties proposals, using Internet and open meetings.
  • Create the necessary working groups for LACNIC's establishment and development.
  • Call for the initial assembly, no later than April, 2000.


The TC is a group that reports to the Board and is in charge of developing Policies, to be used in registration and distribution of IP addresses, AS numbers and reverse resolution. It will be in charge of organizing and supervising the interim operation. It is formed by one representative from each of the same organizations that form the Interim board, with the presidency and deciding vote going to CGIBR.


To start LACNIC interim operation the TC will organize and supervise the following actions:

  • An agreement will be made with CG-Br and NIC-Mx in order to undertake the interim operation.
  • A proposal of cooperation will be presented to ARIN for a stepwise operations move and for policy development.

Working Groups

LACNIC will have working groups, under the Board's supervision. Initial working groups will be:

  • Bylaws Committee: to develop and propose to the IB the bylaws draft to submit to the initial assembly.
  • Financial Committee: to develop and propose to the IB a business plan, both for the interim period and the regular work of LACNIC.
  • Auditing Committee: to develop and propose to the IB a plan to audit and verify that delegated registries are working in accordance with LACNIC's Policies.

Policies Guidelines

Policies development will be based on RFCs related to administration of IP, ASN and reverse resolution. Said development will be open and transparent to ensure justice and fairness in the Policies.


Temporary location will be Brazil.

Initial Funding

Organizations represented in the IB will provide the funds for the initial operation. CGIBR and NIC-Mx will provide for the necessary technical infrastructure.

  • AHCIET - Asociación Hispanoamericana de Centros de Investigación y Empresas de Telecomunicaciones
  • CABASE - Cámara Argentina de Bases de Datos y Servicios en Línea
  • CGIBR - Comité Gestor Internet de Brasil
  • ECOMLAC - Federación Latinoamericana y Caribeña para Internet y el Comercio Electrónico
  • ENRED - Foro de Redes de América Latina y el Caribe
  • NIC-Mx - NIC México