FRIDA, the Regional Fund for Digital Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean, announced the opening of its third 2014 call

To 2014 FRIDA Grants call, a project may be submitted under one of the two following basic categories: 1) Research projects; or 2) ICT development projects.

In turn, each project must choose one of the specific topics listed within their selected category.

Each project may request a maximum of USD 20.000 (twenty thousand US dollars), to be executed within a maximum of one year (12 months) as from the date on which the corresponding contract is signed, which will occur within 15 days after winners are announced.

The call for proposals will be open from 2 June to 31 July 2014 at 20:00 UTC.

Projects may be submitted in Spanish, English or Portuguese.

Projects may be submitted for the grants under the following topics

  1. Devices, Infrastructure and Technologies. Broadening and Accelerating ICT Adoption:

  2. Creating and Developing Skills and Content for Sustainable Human Development:

  3. Mobile Internet for Social Inclusion, Growth, Political Participation, and Active Citizenship:

  4. Internet for Promoting, Guaranteeing and Exercising Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms:

Applications will be received until July 31.

More information, rules and conditions

If you have any questions or doubts, please contact: