Legacy Resources

What are legacy resources?

Legacy resources are resources assigned before the creation of Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). Any Internet resources (IP address block or ASN) assigned before 28 December 1997 is considered a legacy resource. After the creation of the RIRs, Internet resources began to be assigned by these organizations.

The distinction is important, because after their inception, each regional registry began to develop and use their own Internet resource assignment policies.

Resources assigned after the date above are subject to existing policies that were proposed and approved by each regional community. These resources are also subject to assignment fees, as well as to renewal and maintenance fees.

In the case of LACNIC, organizations (ISPs or End Users) that receive IPv4 address blocks become part of our membership base, thus obtaining the right to attend the events and training activities organized by LACNIC, to vote in the organization's various election processes, and to participate in member assemblies with full voting and speaking privileges.

All resources under LACNIC's responsibility can managed through MiLACNIC.

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Can legacy resources be transferred?

An organization may transfer legacy resources provided that the transfer occurs as a result of a legal transaction that can be verified based on proper documentation Click here for more information.

Transferred legacy resources will no longer be considered as such. If the transferred resources are IP addresses, the organization receiving the resources will have membership rights. Transferred resources will be subject to the corresponding renewal fee.

Given that the region has entered IPv4 Exhaustion Phase 3, organizations holding legacy IP addresses may not request additional IPv4 resources. They can, however, request IPv6 addresses or ASNs.

Once the assignment of an additional block (IPv6 only or IPv4 in the case of a transfer) and/or ASN is approved, the previous blocks will no longer be considered legacy resources. In this case, the organization will become a LACNIC member and will be subject to the applicable IP address renewal fees. The organization's category will be determined considering both the newly approved additional address block, as well as any blocks already held by the organization.

I have legacy resources. Can I become a member of LACNIC?

Organizations that received legacy resources may also become LACNIC members. To do so, they must fill out a membership application form and then pay the corresponding fee. Click here for more information.

Are there any differences between legacy and non-legacy resources?

No. Both are valid types of resources and can be used normally by the organization holding them. The difference between legacy and non-legacy resources lies in their assignment: legacy resources were assigned prior to the existence of the RIR system, while non-legacy resources have been assigned by the RIRs based on policies proposed and approved by each regional community.

How can I update legacy resource information?

The purpose of updating the information for transfered resources is to help LACNIC link the resources with a technical and an administrative contact at the organization holding these resources. To update this information, contact hostmaster [at] lacnic [.] net and request assistance for this process. You will be provided with step-by-step instructions. If, in addition to updating this information, you need to update or change the name of your organization, you must request a resource transfer.

Can an organization holding legacy IP addresses request additional address blocks?

Because we are in Phase 3 of IPv4 Exhaustion, additional IPv4 resources will NOT be assigned or allocated to organizations that have already been assigned or allocated IPv4 resources by LACNIC (or by the organizations that preceded LACNIC). During this phase, only those organizations that have not yet received IPv4 addresses will be eligible to receive an IPv4 assignment.

Organizations holding legacy IP addresses may not request additional IPv4 space during IPv4 Exhaustion Phase 3.