New Internet Resources Request System!

From now on, requests for IPv4, IPv6, ASN, transfers and returnings may be made via web.

We are pleased to announce our new system for resource request via web. With this new system, sending the resource application forms is clearer, simpler and faster. Thanks to the help icons that appear on the forms, the user can consult doubts about the fields to be filled directly in the form, without requiring an exchange of consultations with our hostmasters team, accelerating the filling and delivery of the application.

Another advantage of this new system is that it allows to save the requests made to Lacnic historically, allowing the user to better manage applications directly from his account.

Be of one the first ones to try this new service and discover all its benefits by visiting the link below. You can access the system with the password and information of the resource management system:

We will be also happy to hear your opinions and suggestions for improvement, for this and other services at