Home / Agenda Agenda Home > Agenda For more information about each session click on the agenda Sunday 29 Monday 30 Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Friday 4 06.30 LACNIC Runners 07.30 08.00 Registration Registration Registration 08.30 Newcomers Session Opening Ceremony 09.00 Tutorial: Advanced IPv6 HANDS-ON: How to Change the Rules of the Internet! Peering Forum Panel / Keynote FIRST LAC-IX Meeting LACNIC Technical Forum FIRST LACNIC Tutorial: Peering LAC CSIRTs LAC-IX Meeting LACNOG 09.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break 11.30 Tutorial: Advanced IPv6 Tutorial: Resource Management / Mi LACNIC Peering Forum Open Policy Forum FIRST LAC-IX Meeting LACNIC Technical Forum FIRST LACNIC Technical Forum Tutorial: Peering LAC CSIRTs LAC-IX Meeting LACNIC 12.00 12.30 Closing Ceremony 13.00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 13.30 14.00 Tutorial: Advanced IPv6 Tutorial: BGP/RPKI Peering Forum Open Policy Forum FIRST LACNIC Technical Forum FIRST LACNIC Technical Forum Tutorial: IPv6 for Decision Makers LAC-AAWG IT-women session 14.30 15.00 15.30 16.00 Registration Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break 16.30 Tutorial: Advanced IPv6 Tutorial: BGP/RPKI Peering Forum LACNIC Members Assembly FIRST LACNIC ASO Review FIRST LACNIC Technical Forum Workshop: Be Part of the Future of the Internet. Start Using Your IPv6 Prefix. LAC-AAWG 17.00 17.30 18.00 BOF 18.30 Session for Sponsored Participants 19.00 ISOC member dinner 19.30 Q&A session with the authors of the policies to be presented at LACNIC 29 Welcome Cocktail Social Event 20.00 20.30 23.00 ConectividadConnectivity DiamanteDiamond OroGold PlataSilver BronceBronze Peering Forum Stand Foro técnico de LACNIC