IPv6 Network Operation

Monday, October 5, 2020
Time UTC   Instructors Presentation
14.00   Plan de direccionamientoIPv6 y un poco más Alejandro Acosta Presentation
Transición para IPv6 en Pila Doble Uesley Correa Presentation
Red de Acceso GPON
Aspectos Técnicos y Despliegue IPv6
Redes Masivas de Ultima Milla
José Cotúa Presentation
Kahoot challenge - Sponsored by    

To join the sessions, you must first register here.

Simultaneous interpretation and transcription will be provided into Spanish, English and Portuguese.

This tutorial will address the main topics related to the operation of IPv6 networks in the current context of IPv4 exhaustion. It will provide the persons interested in deploying IPv6 on their networks and beginning to operate in IPv6 the information and tools they need to do so: characteristics of IPv6 addresses, requirements for publishing IPv6 prefixes via BGP, how users can limit their use of IPv4 addresses, and the best ways to implement the transition to the new protocol. 

Among others, the webinar will cover the following:

  • IP address plans
  • Publishing IPv6 prefixes: considerations and practical information
  • “Modern” transition mechanisms: NAT64, 464XLAT, SIIT-DC, DS-Lite/lw4over6 and MAP-E/MAP-T. IPv4aaS.
  • Deploying IPv6 in GPON Networks. In this part of the course, the instructor will present the theory and practical details necessary to deploy IPv6 in a GPON network.