Nicolás Antoniello

He currently serves as a Minister Advisor in the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay.

He is an engineer graduated from the Faculty of Engineering of Universidad de la República in Montevodeo, Uruguay. He specialized in electrical engineering (telecommunications and electronics) For years he has been actively involved in many topics related to telecommunications and the Internet, both in the region and in the rest of the world. He has held various roles in regional forums and working groups apart from being the author of regional and global policies related to Internet resource management. He has carried out and delivered several courses related to the area of telecommunications and informatics and has participated in numerous projects of networks and Internet.

He was a Professor in the Faculty of Engineering of the Unversidad de la República and is currently teaching in Universidad ORT, in Montevideo, Uruguay. Between the years 2003 and 2015 he served as an Engineer in Antel, a telecommunications company in Uruguay.

He is a founding member of the IPv6 Task Force Uruguay group, of theuruguayan GOLD Group of the IEEE and the chapter ISOC Uruguay of the Internet Society; as well as a founding member of the Group of Latin America and Caribbean (LACNOG) network operators He served several years as a moderator of Lacnic's Public Policy Forum. He is a Crypto Officer for the process of signing the root of the DNS system (selected by ICANN and by the Internet community as trusted community Representative).