Daily Recaps

On Thursday, May 9, 2013, three of LACNIC 19's parallel activities took place: LACTLD Assembly, FLIP-6 and the Regional Interconnection Forum.

The highlights of the morning were the LACTLD Board reelection of Frederico Neves (. BR) and the launch of the agreement between LACNIC, AEPROVI, CISCO, ANDEAN to help strengthen Internet (read the press release here)

The highpoints of the afternoon were the reports of the other Regional Internet Registries (ARIN, APNIC and RIPE, AFRINIC had done its presentation previously) and the First Latin America and Caribbean Peering Forum, during which 12 companies got together to negotiate issues related to direct interconnection between the countries of the region.

Thursday came to a closed with LACNIC members Assembly and a BoF (Birds of a Feather), which are informal group discussions on topics of specialized interest, in this case on IPv6 and Routing.

In the LACNIC members Assembly the annual report, the general balance sheet, inventory, expenses and resources accounts, the report of the external auditors and the fiscal commission report as of December 31, 2012 were presented and approved.  Vecchiatti Cassio was ratified as a member of the fiscal commission. The assembly rejected the nomination of Moacyr Francischetti Correa so José Enrique Díaz Jolly continues in his position at the electoral commission.

Join us tomorrow for LACNOG, the Public Policy Forum conclusion and the closing ceremony. This is the last daily recap but we will soon publish a comprehensive summary of the event.

Do not forget that you can download all the presentations and see several videos of LACNIC 19 by visiting the appropriate links on the event website. 

This Wednesday morning, May 8th, three of LACNIC 19's parallel activities took place:

LACNIC Public Policy Forum (continued)

Highlights were:

1. The election of Jorge Villa (Cuba) as LACNIC Representative to the ASO AC was announced.

2. The following policy proposal resulted as follows:

lac-2012-08v3 Transferring IPv4 addresses between different regions – No consensus, returns to the list for further discussion.

lac-2012-11v2 Requirement to sign up for RPKI when requesting additional resources – Withdrawn by the author.

LAC-IX Meeting (Internet Traffic Exchange Point Operators)

During this meeting, which was held during the morning, 10 operators shared experiences and new initiatives for the strengthening Internet Traffic Exchange Points in the LAC region. 

LACTLD Meeting (continued)

Registry security was the main topic today at the LACTLD Meeting. The issue was approached from a multidimensional perspective with presentations on  .CO and .BR, as well as a DNS security, stability and flexibility panel from registries' point of view. This panel had representatives from .PE (Rolando Toledo), .MX (Oscar Robles), .DE (Jörg Schweiger), .US (Fernando España), .CO (Eduardo Santoyo), .BR (Frederico Neves) as participants. Also, there were presentations on different experiences and tools related to domain name incidents and threats. Organizations such as ISOC, PCH, OAS Cybersecurity Programme and LACNIC also participated and developed their work programmes related to registries.

Wednesday's top event at LACINC 19 was the agreement signed between LACNIC and the Organization of American States (OAS) through the Multidimensinal Security Secretary (SSM), which strengthens initiatives from both organizations in the development of cybersecurity in the Americas. The full press release on this agreement can be read here.

Finally, the afternoon activities at LACNIC 19 had a high point with Radia Perlman's keynote presentation "The Internet: Myths, Missteps, and Mysteries", at the Network Security Forum – LACSEC. Radia Perlman is a Fellow at Intel Labs, specializing on network protocols and security protocols. Her basic philosophy on network design is that things "should just work" without need for configuration. Several of the technologies she designed have been used in the Internet for decades. Video for this presentation will be available soon at LACNIC 19's YouTube channel. You can download the slides here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/57d90xgnj5m8xtm/xrylYU1Amk.

Wednesday came to a close with LACNIC 19's social event at Medellín's Botanical Gardens.

Join us tomorrow for more FLIP-6, LACSEC, the Public Policy Forum, LAC's Internet Traffic Exchange and the Lacnic Member Assembly.

Tuesday 7th began this morning with these three LACNIC 19's parallel activities:

LACTLD Meeting
LACTLD's Fifth Policy Workshop began this morning with 20 member registries and 35 attendees partaking in the first morning session, where participants presented their current work agendas among their regional colleagues. Rodrigo de la Parra and Everton Lucero from ICANN elaborated on the main issues to be addressed in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Next came Venezuela's .ve and Guatemala's .gt registries sharing their experiences, and finally ICANN's Richard Lamb discussed the business and policy aspects of DNSSEC deployment.

LAC's Computer Security Incident Response Teams Meeting
Reaching its fourth edition, LAC's CSIRTs Meeting counted more than 25 participants from several countries in the region that were present on behalf of a wide array of organizations, including Internet Service Providers, academia and governmental groups.

Topics of interest for CSIRTs were discussed here, including OAS' work on cibersecurity, experiences in Brazil with spam management through port 25 and the recent service denial attacks that abused the DNS system.

Latin American IPv6 Forum (FLIP6)
Noted international experts took part in this forum, speaking about security, business cases, corporate and governmental networks, mobile broad band, success cases and transition techniques related to the new IPv6 protocol. The forum will resume its activities on Thursday 9th, from 9 to 10.30 in the morning.

At lunchtime, a new edition of LACNIC's "Women and IT" took place. This space within LACNIC events promotes networking and discussion on the participation of women in technology. Network and security expert Radia Perlman, here at LACNIC 19 as LACSEC's keynote speaker on Wednesday, shared her memories and experiences working in an environment mostly populated by men. Valeria Betancourt, policy director in Association for Progressive Communications (APC), shared different initiatives that seek to promote further participation of women in the digital sphere and eradicate online gender violence (more information at www.dominemoslatecnologia.com and www.genderit.org). Finally, Ana Palacios Cardona, head of the Medellin Digital programme, spoke about the experience of women trained at the Aulas Digitales (digital classrooms). Near 60 female LACNIC 19 attendees joined us for this meeting.

In the afternoon, the LACNIC Public Policy Forum was launched. Highlights of this meeting include:

1. Nicolás Antoniello's election as chair of the Public Policy Forum for another two years;

2. Vote on LACNIC CEO Raúl Echeberría's proposal: LAC-2012-13v2 - Modifying requirements for ASO AC nominees

Access to the full text of the proposal here: http://www.lacnic.net/documents/10834/31186/lac-2012-13-SPv2.pdf/53c27e73-46d5-4b21-955d-96ade3190ad1 .
(The proposal reached consensus).

Finally, LACNIC's CEO announced that LACNIC 20/LACNOG 2013 will be held in Curaçao from October 27 to November 1st, 2013.

Join us tomorrow at 9 AM for the second part of the LACNIC Public Policy Forum, the LACTLD and LAC-IX meetings.

LACNIC 19's Opening Ceremony was held today, Monday May 6th 2013, at 2 PM (Medellín local time, UTC -5:00 hours). More than 400 attendees from 34 countries in the region and the rest of the world joined us in the Antioquia room, LACNIC 19's main venue at the Hotel Intercontinental. 

Speakers at this opening session were:

Diego Molano Vega, Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia; Oscar Messano, LACNIC's chairman; Eduardo Santoyo, LACTLD's President;  Genaro García, INTERNEXA's CEO; Raúl Echeberría, LACNIC's CEO; Carolina Aguerre, LACTLD's general manager; Ana Isabel Palacios, head of Medellín Digital; Aníbal Gaviria, on behalf Medellín's mayor; María Isabel Mejía, deputy secretary of Information Technologies of Colombia.

Molano Vega welcomed the audience to the "world's most innovative city", a title Medellín was awarded last year, and thanked LACNIC for inviting him to participate. "Go back to your countries and spread the word that something is going on here in Colombia". He also emphasized the developments of the current Vive Digital program.

Following the opening ceremony, the "General LACTLD/LACNIC Session: Internet Governance" panel was held, were the Internet Governance agenda for the next five years was discussed. The session was moderated by Eduardo Santoyo, LACTLD's president. The speakers were: Raúl Echeberría, LACNIC's CEO; Valeria Betancourt, director of the Information and Communication Policy Program, APC; Karel Elizabeth Ochoa Reyes, deputy director general for International Affairs, Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT) and Iván Sánchez, Commissioner for CRC (Communications Regulatory Commission). The full video of this session will be available online at LACNIC 19's website and LACNIC 19's YouTube channel starting tomorrow, Tuesday 7th, after 7 PM local time. Also access the content of the presentation on the regional agenda for Internet governance here: http://info25.org/es/internetgob

Finally, from 4.30 to 6 PM, the "General LACTLD/LACNIC Session: ICANN's Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean" was held, moderated by Rodrigo de la Parra, ICANN's VP for Latin America & the Caribbean. The responsible body for the coordination of the global Internet's systems of unique identifiers explained its commitment and its will to work closer and directly with all the regions that participate in ICANN. Regarding Latin America and Caribbean specifically, the Strategic Plan for 2013-2016 was discussed. The exchange highlighted the opening of the regional headquarters, the "Casa de Internet de Latinoamérica y el Caribe" in Montevideo, Uruguay, which houses LACNIC, Internet Society (ISOC), Red Clara, LACTLD, AHCIET, LAC-IX, eCOMLAC. Oscar Robles, board member at LACNIC; Vanda Scartezini, Nomination Committee member at ICANN; Fátima Cambronero, LACRALO; Andrés Piazza, LACNIC's public relations officer; Celia Lerman, ICANN's GNSO and Eduardo Santoyo, LACTLD's president, took part in this panel.

The daily activities came to a closing with a welcome cocktail party at 7 PM. Attendees were invited to spend a relaxing and fun time among their regional colleagues at Medellín's Museum of Modern Art.

We invite you to join us tomorrow at  9 AM for the parallel activities: LACTLD's meeting, the opening of the Latin American IPv6 Forum (FLIP6) and the Security Assessment and Trouble-shooting of IPv6 Networks.

This Sunday, May 5th, 2013, over 300 people came on the first day of registration at the Intercontinental Hotel to pick up the materials and participate in the five proposed parallel tutorials. We thank the participants from more than 20 countries in the region and the world who have joined us in Medellin, elected most innovative city in the world in 2012. We invite you to read these updates on the activities during Lacnic19, available daily at the event website and printed at the registration desk, in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

The five tutorials, presented today at 14:00 hours (Medellin local time, UTC -5:00 hours) with participation of over 200 people, were:

Basic IPv6 Tutorial, presented by Jordi Palet (Spain), Consulintel.

BGP routing and RPKI Tutorial (Part One), presented by Alvaro Retana (Costa Rica), Cisco Systems and Carlos Martinez (Uruguay), LACNIC.

DNSSEC Tutorial (Part One), presented by Richard Lamb (USA), ICANN and Gonzalo Romero (Colombia). CO Internet.

Tutorial Security Incident Management for Internet Service Providers (Part One), presented by Eduardo Carozo, ITC-ANTEL (Uruguay) and Giovanni Cruz, independent consultant (Colombia).

LACNIC Services Tutorial  (Registration Service, RPKI, WHOIS, Reverse Resolution), presented by Sergio Rojas (Paraguay), Gerardo Rada (Venezuela) and Carlos Martínez (Uruguay) from LACNIC.

The day concluded in the Sucre room, with a meeting in which Ernesto Majó, Communications, Cooperation and External Relations Manager at LACNIC, welcomed and explained the dynamics of LACNIC events to more than 90 new registered participants.

We invite you to join us tomorrow for the registration, the second part of some of the tutorials that started today and two new tutorials (Advanced IPv6 and IPv6 Workshop for decision makers). Starting with the Opening ceremony at 2 pm and for the rest of the event, there will be webcasting and simultaneous translation into English and Portuguese. It will also be possible to follow the updates of the event all week via Twitter with the hashtag #Lacnic19.