Miércoles 26 / Sala: Berni / 14.00 - 16.00 |
Inicia |
Sesión Estas sesiones contarán con traducción simultánea a español, inglés y portugués |
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14.00 |
Arquitectura de Red usando MPLS/BGP/VRF de bajo costo. Lacier Dias |

14.30 |
Ruido en Internet (anunciando el Louis Poinsignon |

14.45 |
Lo que podemos aprender de los recientes incidentes de enrutamiento BGP Doug Madory |

15.15 |
Arquitecturas de enrutamiento robustas Job Snijders
What actually makes good routing policies "good"? At NANOG we've mostly focused on teaching each other how to implement one or another BGP feature in our networks, but there has been very little dialogue on how to design robust policies. In this presentation I'll offer a conceptual model to look at routing policy, offer terminology to help discuss routing policy, and analyse routing policy design patterns. |

15.45 |
Cloudflare y RPKI a escala Louis Poinsignon |
