Membership (FAQ)

What does membership include?

  • The use and administration of IPv4 and IPv6 resources - Registration Services.
  • The right to vote at the General Member Assembly, according to each member's category and number of assigned votes
  • To be nominated to a position on the Board of Directors
  • Resource Certification - RPKI
  • Revwerse Resolution - DNS
  • Support Service
  • Automated Resource Administration System - SARA

What responsibilities does the Membership Contact have?

The Membership Contact is the person responsible for exercising the membership rights of each organization.

She or he has the right to self-nominate or nominate candidates for a position on the board of LACNIC, the Electoral and Fiscal Comission. It is also the entitled person to cast votes on behalf of the organization it represents.

She or he has the right to nominate candidates for the positions of Chair of the Public Forum.

Each organization has three points of contact, the Administrative Contact, the Billing Contact and Membership Contact. These contacts are the key persons within the organization who are responsible for maintaining updated information of the Member and exercise the corresponding membership rights.

What responsibilities does the Administrative Contact have?

The Administrative Contact, is the Technical Contact of the organization and is responsible for the administration of the allocated resources by LACNIC (IPv4, IPv6 and ASN).

Each organization has three points of contact, the Administrative Contact, the Billing Contact and Membership Contact. These contacts are the key persons within the organization who are responsible for maintaining updated information of the Member and exercise the corresponding membership rights.

What responsibilities does the Billing Contact have?

The Billing Contact is responsible for the management and timely payment of the cost of membership.

Each organization has three points of contact, the Administrative Contact, the Billing Contact and Membership Contact. These contacts are the key persons within the organization who are responsible for maintaining updated information of the Member and exercise the corresponding membership rights.

How can I participate in the election?

Detailed information regarding each election will be emailed to each organization's membership contact.


How can I stand as a candidate for a position on the Board of Directors?

Detailed information regarding the election will be emailed to each organization's membership contact.

Candidates to the Board of Directors must be nominated by a member organization through its membership contact, i.e., the person appointed by the orgnization to exercise membership rights.

The organization must be current on its obligations; the nominated candidate may or may not be part of the organization. Candidates may be nominated by members with the right to vote. According to LACNIC's bylaws, these include Active A Members and Active Founding Members.

Restrictions that apply to candidate nomination and election

According to article 20 of LACNIC's bylaws, members of the Board of Directors are subject to the following incompatibilities:

  • Not more than two Directors may be domiciled in the same country;
  • Not more than one Director may be an employee, consultant or advisor of the same Company or Organization and/or of one of its Related Companies, whether established in the same country or not.

The Electoral Commission shall adopt the criteria necessary to enforce the restrictions set forth in the bylaws.

Candidate nominations must be emailed to with the subject "Candidate Nomination to LACNIC's Board of Directors" and the following information in the body of the message:

  • Candidate's name:
  • Candidate's e-mail address:
  • Name of the person nominating the candidate:
  • Organization of the person nominating the candidate:
  • Reason for the nomination:

The actual voting will take place online on LACNIC´s website.

Members have the right to present one candidate for each seat to be filled.

Each member has a designated representative, the membership contact, who has the right to vote on behalf of the organization he/she represents.

How can I stand as a candidate for a position on the Electoral Commission?

Detailed information regarding the election will be emailed to each organization's membership contact.

According to LACNIC's bylaws, members of the Electoral Commission each serve a three-year term and are annually renewed on a rotating basis.

Nominations must be submitted by the person authorized to exercise their organization's membership rights, which is the person registered on LACNIC's database as its membership contact.

Requirements for running in the election:

  • Being nominated by a LACNIC member (self-nominations are allowed)
  • Being endoresed by two (2) LACNIC members
  • LACNIC employees may not be nominated or nominate any candidates.


To nominate a candidate:

Send an email with the following information to

  • Position for which the candidate is being nominated:
  • Candidate's name:
  • Candidate's email address:
  • Brief candidate biography:
  • Name of the person nominating the candidate:
  • Organization:
  • Reason for the nomination:

To endorse a candidate:

Send an email with the following information to

  • Name of the candidate that is being endoresed:
  • Name of the person making the endorsement:
  • Organization to which the person presenting the endorsement belongs:
  • Reason for the endorsement:


The election will be held during the Ordinary General Member Assembly, voting by show of hands. Winning candidates will occupy the positions filled by current members for a period of three years as of the moment of the election. In case of a vacancy by resignation, the term that will be covered is one year as from the date of the election.

How can I stand as a candidate for a position on the Fiscal Commission?

Detailed information regarding the election will be emailed to each organization's membership contact.

According to LACNIC's bylaws, members of the Fiscal Commission each serve a three-year term each and are annually renewed on a rotating basis.

Nominations must be submitted by the person authorized to exercise their organization's membership rights, which is the person registered on LACNIC's database as its membership contact.

Requirements for running in the election:

  • Being nominated by a LACNIC member (self-nominations are allowed)
  • Being endoresed by two (2) LACNIC members
  • LACNIC employees may not be nominated or nominate any candidates


To nominate a candidate:

Send an email with the following information to

  • Position for which the candidate is being nominated:
  • Candidate's name:
  • Candidate's email address:
  • Brief candidate biography:
  • Name of the person nominating the candidate:
  • Organization:
  • Reason for the nomination:

To endorse a candidate:

Send an email with the following information to

  • Name of the candidate that is being endoresed:
  • Name of the person making the endorsement:
  • Organization to which the person presenting the endorsement belongs:
  • Reason for the endorsement:


The election will be held during the Ordinary General Member Assembly, voting by show of hands. Winning candidates will occupy the positions filled by current members for a period of three years as of the moment of the election. In case of a vacancy by resignation, the term that will be covered is one year as from the date of the election.

How can I be nominated to become Public Forum Chair? What is the election process?

Calls for nominations are published on LACNIC's website and emailed to both and

A vacancy is generated upon completion of a current chair's term of service.

First, a period for candidate nominations and endorsements is defined.

Candidates must comply with one of the following requirements:

  • Be a member of LACNIC.
  • Be nominated by a member of LACNIC.* *Nominations must be submitted by the person designated by an organization as its membership contact.
  • LACNIC employees may not be nominated or nominate any candidates.
  • Self-nominations are allowed.
  • Terms are established for candidate nominations and their corresponding acknowledgment.
  • As applications are received, candidates' names and bios as well as any expressions of support received before the closing date for receipt of nominations will be published on LACNIC's website

Candidates who will be running in the election will be announced on a date after the closing of nominations.

Nominating a candidate

To nominate a candidate, please send an email to with the subject "Public Forum Chair" and include the following information:


  • Candidate's name:
  • Country of residence:
  • Name of the Organization:
  • Email address:
  • Postal address:
  • Telephone number:
  • Biography:

Person Nominating the Candidate:

  • Reasons for the nomination:
  • Name of the person nominating the candidate:
  • Organization:
  • Email address:

All confirmed candidates will be published on LACNIC's website along with their corresponding biographies.

Sending expressions of support for the candidates

To send expressions of support for the candidates, please email and include the following information:

  • Name of the candidate that is being endorsed:
  • Name of the person making the endorsement:
  • Organization:
  • Email address:

The election will be decided by electronic ballot in accordance with the duly established deadlines.

How can I be nominated to become LACNIC's Representative to the NRO Number Council/ASO Address Council? What is the election process?

Calls for nominations are published on LACNIC's website and emailed to both and

  • A call for candidates is launched. All candidates must be from the LACNIC region. Terms are established for candidate nominations, their corresponding acknowledgment, and compliance with the other requirements specified below.
  • As applications are received, candidates' names are published on LACNIC's website. During this period, expressions of support for the candidates are accepted. Only candidates who receive at least 5 endorsements are allowed to run in the election.
  • Candidate information (acknowledgement of nominations, expressions of support, candidate bios) will be published on LACNIC's website.
  • The election of LACNIC's Representative to the NRO Number Council will take place at LACNIC's Public Policy Forum.
  • Votes will be cast using paper ballots containing a list of the candidates' names.
  • Anyone present in the room at the time of the election will be allowed to vote, as long as they have registered for the Forum and are from a country within LACNIC's service area.
  • Voters may check one (1) candidate listed on the paper ballot. Each check mark will equal one vote.
  • Votes will be anonymous.
  • A committee of three people appointed by the Public Policy Forum will be in charge of counting the votes. Candidates are not allowed on this committee.
  • Once all votes are counted, the person who obtains the highest number of votes will be proclaimed the LACNIC region representative to the NC for a period of three years starting on January 1st of the following year
  • In the event of a tie, a new round of voting will take place in which only the candidates who are tied will participate.

To nominate a candidate you must send an email to and include the following mandatory information:

  • Candidate's name:
  • Country of residence:
  • Name of the Organization:
  • Email address:
  • Postal address:
  • Telephone number:
  • Biography:
  • Reasons for the nomination:
  • Name of the person nominating the candidate:
  • Organization:
  • Email address:

All confirmed candidates will be published on LACNIC's website along with their corresponding biographies.

To endorse a candidate you must email and include the following information:

  • Name of the candidate that is being endorsed:
  • Name of the person making the endorsement:
  • Organization:
  • Email address:

What are the responsibilities of the members of the Electoral Commission?

The Electoral Commission is in charge of all maters relating to the elections, including contested candidates and restricting the vacancies at stake due to incompatibilities (having the authority to eliminate and/or restrict the candidacies of one or more contested candidates and/or candidates investigated at the Electoral Commission's own initiative), as well as counting the votes and determining the results and winning candidates. The Electoral Commission may act based on third-party accusations or on its own initiative, and has the authority to summon an Extraordinary Assembly in case of serious irregularities in the election. In case of a third-party accusation, the Electoral Commission shall also have the authority to investigate and decide on any alleged incompatibilities of the members of the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Commission.


What are the responsibilities of the members of the Fiscal Commission?

The Fiscal Commission oversees the operation of the institution and the Board of Directors, and has the following duties and attributions:

  • To control all accounting books and documentation that support bookkeeping entries, overseeing management, controlling the state of the cash flow and the existence of funds, bonds and stock, in accordance with the laws and bylaws in force;
  • To present suggestions to the Board of Directors, in relation to the responsibilities detailed in the item above;
  • To pass judgment on the Annual Report, Inventory, General Balance Sheet, and Expenses and Income Account submitted by the Board of Directors for the consideration of the Ordinary Assembly at the end of each fiscal year;
  • To summon an Ordinary Assembly should the Board of Directors fail to do so, having previously notified the Board of Directors 15 days in advance;
  • To request that an Extraordinary Assembly be summoned whenever it is deemed necessary, justifying the request before the "Dirección General de Registros, Asociaciones Civiles y Fundaciones" should the Board of Directors refuse to comply with the request;
  • To summon an Extraordinary Assembly, informing the Control Organ, should a members' request be presented unsuccessfully according to the provisions Article 14;
  • To oversee the operations for the liquidation of LACNIC. The Fiscal Commission shall fulfill its functions without interfering with the organization's normal operation;
  • In case of a third-party accusation, to investigate and decide on alleged incompatibilities of members of the Electoral Commission.


What are the responsibilities of the Public Policy Forum Chairs?

LACNIC's Public Policy Forum will have two chairs, both of which will have the same functions:

  • To lead and prepare Public Policy Forum discussions. Discussions will be conducted by one of the two chairs, who may alternate in this function during the course of the event.
  • To lead the Public Policy Mailing List and the Policy Development Process in general.
  • To evaluate and suggest minor changes to the texts proposed during the Public Policy Forum before the corresponding call for consensus.
  • To evaluate and suggest consensus in policy discussions.
  • To suggest the finalization of the discussions on a specific issue on the Public Policy Mailing List.
  • To decide to abandon a policy.
  • To summon the creation of Working Groups on the Public Policy Mailing List.
  • To receive comments from LACNIC's Staff in relation to different aspects of a policy proposal. These comments may include, among others, comments on the wording, cost of implementing a proposal, legal aspects, and the location of a proposal within LACNIC's policy document.

About the Public Policy Forum Chairs

  • Public Policy Forum Chairs cannot be members of LACNIC's staff.
  • These positions are honorary.
  • Call for nominations will be made through the Public Policy Mailing List.
  • All those subscribed to the Public Policy Mailing List will be able to participate.
  • The election will be conducted immediately before the Public Policy Forum.
  • Electronic mechanisms will be implemented so that each person subscribed to the list can cast only one vote.
  • The winning candidate of the electronic voting process must be ratified at the Public Policy Forum. The acting chairs will ask those in attendance whether they have any objections to the electronic voting process. If any objections are raised, the chairs will evaluate whether the objections are sufficiently significant. If no objections are raised, or if the chairs consider that the objections are not significant, they will proceed to ratify the winning candidate. Any chair who participated in the election as a candidate must abstain from participating as chair during the ratification process.
  • The elected chairs will start their term immediately after the closing of the Public Policy Forum during which they were ratified.
  • If there is no ratified winner, LACNIC's Board of Directors will appoint a chair to fill the vacant position until the following Public Policy Forum. The next time an election and ratification process can be conducted, the person elected will fill the position for the remaining part of the original term only.
  • Public Policy Forum Chairs must be members of LACNIC or endorsed by a member of LACNIC.
  • These positions will be held alternately for 2 years, with the possibility of unlimited reelection.

What are the responsibilities of LACNIC's Representative to the NRO Number Council/ ASO Address Council?

The responsibilities of LACNIC's Representative to the NRO Number Council/ASO Address Council are detailed in the ASO Memorandum of Understanding, which is available at

What is a Director's workload and how much time does it require?

LACNIC's Board of Directors holds periodic meetings (approximately 9 times a year) through telephone or web-based conferences. In addition, there are also two face-to-face meetings a year, one during a LACNIC event, the other at the end of the year in Montevideo (unless the Board of Directors decides to do it otherwise or in a different place / at a different time). LACNIC is responsible for all travel expenses.

Remote meetings are usually held between 1100 UTC and 1800 UTC and last approximately 2 hours.

How long do Directors serve on the Board?

Directors each serve a three-year term.


Who are LACNIC's current Directors?

For more information on LACNIC's Board of Directors

Does being on LACNIC's Board of Directors require full-time dedication?

Being a member of LACNIC's Board of Directors does not require exclusivity.